Saturday 2/24/24

11:43a.m. I’m having another good day. The aides got me up around five this morning. I slept in my wheelchair until six.  I waited around for my morning coffee and juice. They were served at seven For breakfast I had a coffee cake, scrambled eggs and oatmeal cereal. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She was pretty pissed because she saw a bed bug on her kitchen counter.

We talked about the bed bug situation for awhile then she had to get started. I read my book The Reckoning by Mary L Trump. I read two chapters last night. I finished that book this morning. I ended up giving it a five star rating. I started another book on Trump. This one is by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa called Peril. It’s about the final year of the Trump Presidency

I read the first two chapters. The more I read about Trump the more I despise the man. During those final days it was feared by members of government that Trump was crazy. Nancy Pelosi and head of the Joint Chief of Staff, General Mark Miley feared the President might try to take over the country and or launch an attack against China. It was within the realm of possibility that Trump might indeed do something insame, according to Woodward and  Robert Costa

I also made it to the Coffee Social. I had a good time I had two cups of coffee and read my book. Then I stayed for exercise group. I actually participated. We moved our arms and feet a lot. The little workout lasted less than fifteen minutes but it made my arms very sore. Still I made my own way back to my room. That was a workout in itself.

I talked with Chocolatechip once I got back.We had a nice! conversation. She plans on visiting on March 11. I said that would be great. Chocolatechip had a lunch date planned with her sister Cathleen. But that was cancelled because of the bed bug.

Well that was how my morning went. I’m having a pretty good day so far. I got my lunch drinks already and am waiting for my meal.For lunch I’m getting a Philly cheese steak sandwich, tater tots and a cherry chocolate brownie. This ought to be good!

1:57p.m. Lunch was delicious. I had two Philly cheese steak sandwiches. That filled me up so I didn’t eat the tater tots. I was pretty bloated so I went to the nurse’s station for some  Mylanta. On the way my aide stopped me. She asked if I wanted to go to bed. I said yes. So she put me to bed, undressed me and changed my briefs. This was around 1

I don’t know what has been going on but everyone has been very nice to me lately. I’ve been getting great care. I haven’t had to wait three or four hours to get changed. Perhaps my many complaints about this place has finially paid off.  All I know is I haven’t had a problem with the aides for almost a week if not more.

I was telling this to Chocolatechip after they put me to bed. I said things have been going great . She said that is wonderful. I went on a a out how the aides have been changing me two or three times a night. I said before supper I peed a river last night. The aides actually changed me while they passed out trays. She said that is wonderful news. I hope this keeps up I said.

Chocolatechip was talking about how she is done for the day. She got her housework finished plus did some laundry. She didn’t know if she wanted to bake or watch a movie. I said take it easy and watch a movie. She said that was a good idea. Then she said I don’t really get in the baking mode until Christmas.  We talked about how she used to bake cookies during the holidays. I would always get a big plate of homemade cookies. We had a nice conversation this afternoon.

5:12p.m. I ended up calling asleep for an hours. I’m just laying in bed waiting for supper.  Tonight it’s ham ,sweet potato casserole, broccoli and a dinner roll. I ate a big lunch so I’m not very hungry. I might just pass on supper altogether. I was talking to Chocolatechip a bit ago. We were talking about tablets. She asked how much mine cost. I said I around $60. She said she might buy me one once this tablet goes bad. I said once I start getting money I’ll save up and buy one. Chocolatechip said that makes sense instead of buying books. I have enough books.

7:17p.m. I ate my supper. It was ok. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. Then I read my book Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. I’ve been reading for an hour and finished six chapters. So far the  book seems to be about Joe Biden and how he decided to run in 2020 against Trump. It was interesting so far but I was hoping to learn more dirt about Trump.

This was a good day. I did a lot of reading in the morning. Whenever I can get lost in books with plenty of coffee makes me happy









































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February 24, 2024

Chocolatechip still has bedbugs? Holy mackinaw!! I feel sorry for her. Jeez… two Philly steak sandwiches? Oy vey… tonight we are having either plain roasted chicken or jerk chicken with rice and a veg. 🙂 Nice to hear from you again Bear! 😀

February 24, 2024

@appleblossomgirl  yes she was sprayed not too long ago and pronounced clear. That’s why she was pissed

February 24, 2024

@bear70 We had to be sprayed 3 times Bear, it was awful. 🙁

February 24, 2024

So glad you had a good day, Bear. Let them continue on and on and on!