Saturday 11/18/23

7:08s.m. I had a fairly good night. I was changed twice. First time was around eight. The second time at three. Then the aides bout me up at five. She did a good job . I sat in my  wheelchair then Chocolatechip called.  She sounded a bit depressed over the bedbug problem. The exterminator was in the building but he never came to her apartment. We were wondering if it they had given up on her. She just doesn’t know anymore. We talked for a few minutes then she had to take her morning meds. 

I waited until they served drinks and breakfast. Breakfast consisted of toast and scrambled eggs. It wask ok but not outstanding.The coffee was good and hot. It perked me up a bit. I’m ready to face the day.

I decided to stick with the Dark Tower series I read the first chapter in Wolves of the Calla last night. I’m glad I did because this seems to be another great book by Stephen King. I have Wolves of the Calla, Song of Susanna and the Dark Tower to read. I love these books I’m going to read them all. 

So I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day in the nursing home. I’m determined to have a good day. I’m going to enjoy talking to Chococolatechip. I’m going to enjoy the Coffee Social. I’m going to enjoy reading my books. Nothing is going to bring me down today! 

9:17a.m. Arthrits pain hit me after breakfast. I ache all over my body. The nurse gave me some Tylenol with my morning meds. It doesn’t seem to help. I’m in the Fiesta Room now waiting for coffee. Perhaps the caffeine will do the trick. 

12:00p.m. I had a good time at the Coffee Social. I had two cups and a little cupcake. The Tylenol I had with my morning meds worked. The arthritis pain went away. I also credit the coffee. I swear there is something magical about caffeine that makes me feel good all over.The coffee helped put me in a good mood. I was able to read Wolves of the Calla I read until eleven o’clock then made my way back to my room.

I called Chocolatschip when I got back. She talked about her Bible study group and what they preach. It was an interesting conversation. Chococolatechip said it is opening up a whole new world. She said she would like to start reading the Bible. I highly recommended the one I read, NIV study Bible. I said it explains the entire Bible verse by verse. She asked where I got it from. I said B&N. I have an e-book version that I’d like to start reading again. We talked for  a long time about religion then she had to eat lunch. 

They will be serving lunch soon. According to the menu, they are serving buttermilk chicken, green beans,rice, a dinner roll and glazed pears. This sounds pretty good. I’m kind of hungry so I’ll eat it all. 

2:58p.m. I’m starting to have a major meltdown! I’ve been sitting in urine and feces since lunch time. I had the call light on for about an hour. I can’t get help. Chococolatechip called the front desk. Someone told her they would be right down but nobody came. I went to the nurse’s station to complain. A nurse told me she will look for an aide. So far nobody has showed up to help. 

There is just  no god damned excuse for this lack of care. I said to one nurse  who gave me my carafate how would you like to sit  in pee and poop all afternoon? Then you people wonder why I get mad and yell. After that the aides finally came. 

I’m in bed and they changed my briefs. But it took them almost two hours. I was very, very pissed off. But I’m dry now at least until I have another episode. I swear, I hate being incontinent. I wouldn’t wish this on my worse enemy! 

6:32a.m. I couldn’t eat supper. They served pork chops, blended vegetables, potatoes, a dinner roll and chocolate pudding. I ate the pudding and and the pork chop. I got bloated and was afraid of getting sick. I had a big lunch so I wasn’t hungry then I had a peanut butter sandwich. I still have ate a lot today.

I also read a lot. Wolves of the Calla is turning out to be a weird book. Perhaps this might be the weirdest book of the whole Dark Tower series. It is weird and good. I read for a couple hours this afternoon. I hope I can read more tonight. I plan on reading until the battery runs down.

I had more incontinenece episodes. In fact I’m soaked. Once again i won’t be able to get help. The aides are taking care of supper trays. I’d like to be changed before going to sleep. I hate the thought of lying in urine all night.  

8:49p.m. I read for another two hours on my favorite tablet then the battery was down too 10%. I’m on my back up tablet. I’d like to read more but this one needs charged as well. That is the only trouble with tablets and e-readers. You  an only read so long as you have power.

I had a good aide. She came in to change me around eight. She also brought a pbj sandwich. Trouble is I had a few more incontinence episode since then. I’m soaked again. I have the call light on. I doubt if I’ll get help.



























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November 18, 2023

I admire your devotion to reading the works of Stephen King. I have a stack of books that I have to get through, so it may be a while before I get to him.

November 18, 2023

@ravdiablo Hi I like other authors as well. John Grisham, David Baldacci ate two very good writers? Also, I  like to read history and books on the Constitution. I’m interested in a lot of different subjects. But for some reason I think Stephen King is the best