Saturday 11/11/23

10:33a.m. I’m having a good day. I just got back home from the Coffee Social. I had three cups of coffee so far. The caffeine is working its magic spell and putting me in a very good mood. I received good care this morning as well. Breakfast was good I had a coffee cake and cold scrambled eggs. I’m not in any arthritis pain. That is the best part. Better still Chococolatechip is having a good day as well.i have nothing to bitch about.

It didn’t start out good. The aides got me up in my chair by 4:30. They cleaned me up, changed my briefs and got me dressed. So the care was excellent. Still, for some reason,  I felt tired and depressed . I also ached all over. I tried sleeping in my wheelchair but couldn’t. I was just one miserable old fart until they served drinks

I suffer from depression. I keep it under control with psych meds. For some reason depression got the best of me this morning. Living in a nursing home can be depressing enough.. Then I can’t walk anymore. I have lost control of my bladder and bowel movements. Then I’m dealing with severe arthritis almost on a daily basis.. I was thinking about all this shit and how my life is over. This was what made me very, very depressed.

Fortunately, the coffee perked me up. I tried sweet talking the nurse into giving me my breakfast drinks early.  Then I got an extra coffee with my meal. The food also cheered me up. But what really worked was reading Wizard and Glass. Then the coffee I had at the social also helped.  Lots of caffeine and getting lost in a good Stephen King book turned everything around.

Chococolatechip also helped. She finished her housework. early. Chococolatechip was talking about the Friday Bible Study they have at Overbrook Towers. She really enjoys going. She mentioned something about the Ten Commandments and Jesus. I couldn’t quit grasp what all she said. I remember some things about how you must have Faith and believe that Jesus died for your sins together into heaven. Anyways, she really enjoyed these sessions. She said she would like to start reading the Bible.

I went on about how I have an NIV study Bible on my tablet. I said I read the Bible. I credit it with really helping me get over some nasty shit. I also said the nursing home had a Bible study group. I would like to start going to that. She said that would be nice. Then I said I’m glad your are meeting some nice people.

The only thing that is really bugging me is this damned Hoyer pad. It is hurting like hell. It is too early to go back to bed . Other than that I’m having a pretty good day. Life is good.

1:30p.m. Lunch was delicious. They served two Philly cheese steak sandwiches, garlic tater tots, and a chocolate brownie for dessert. Of course I ate it all.  Now I’m painfully bloated and passing gas like no tomorrow. Reason tells me not to eat so much but I was hungry. I just cannot help myself when it comes to food. Food has always  been a weakness of mine.

I talked with Chococolatechip after I ate. She said she had some chills this morning. She talked about getting baking supplies for when she makes Christmas cookies.. First on her list is Elaine and Cleve. Elaine wants some of her Civil War Spice cookies But the ingredients are so expensive. Perhaps she can buy them next month . But first she has to deal with the bed bug problem.

Chococolatechip doesn’t know when Gordon, the exterminator will come. She told Kim and Stacy. Stacy doesn’t know when Gordon will come. But Chococolatechip is on the list. I said I hope they come soon to so spray. Then I said I bet the bb are building up resistance because they keep coming back  She said Gordon said the same thing.

We didn’t talk for top long. Chococolatechip said she wanted to lie down. She said she will call me after her rest. 

Fortunately my stomach is settling down. I still feel bloated but pain level is a two on a one to five  scale. Aide is  making my bed. I hope he puts me to bed soon. Then I can get back to my book Wizard and Glass by Stephen King. 

6:32p.m. I did a lot of reading in Wizard and Glass. But I’m a bit upset because the author killed off Susan Delgado, my favorite female character in the story.  Still, I enjoyed the book. I have four more chapters to go. Next up is Wind Through the Keyhole. This is yet another volume in the Dark Tower series. I hope to start on this Monday or Tuesday.

I had a pretty good supper. They served ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, a dinner roll and two a cup of fruit. I ate most of it it except the veggies. Dinner went down good and I didn’t get bloated of sick. 

I called Chocolatschip after I ate. A lady from her Bible study group in invited her out to Bob Evans. This is on the 23rd, day before Thanksgiving. She was debating to go or not to go. Chococolatechip had some worried about going. She thought what if this lady doesn’t show? We went round and round a few times. In the end I think she decided to accept the offer.  I’m glad she is making a friend

Im not sure what I will do tonight. I’ve done enough reading for the day. Still it is two hrs until my bedtime. TV remote is busted so I can’t watch tv. About the only thing I can do is read. So I guess it is back to reading Wizard and Glass. Maybe I can get through two more chapters tonight.











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November 11, 2023

I’m glad you’re feeling better and eating well. I wonder why the nursing home doesn’t have physical therapy so you get a chance to move your limbs around. Maybe it would help with the arthritis (as well as your depression.)

November 11, 2023

@ravdiablo   I had PT a few times That didn’t help too !much. They also have low impact exercises groups. It hurts too much to move my arms and legs so I don’t participate I’m a wimp.

November 12, 2023

@bear70 I know the feeling – I’m nursing a sports injury and hit hurts a lot to bend my knees. I’ve been taking pain relievers to help.