Saturday 1/27/24

4:55a.m. I’m feeling much better thanks to lots of sleep. I ha d a lot of weird dreams some nice and others not so nice. I had a nice sex dreams at one point. In this dream a woman working in an office stripped to her underwear. I started kissing her and we got it on good. We actually did the nasty in thd office.

I had a good night. I received good care. I awakened by  4:30. I hadj a nice aide who did a great job. She gave me a much needed sponge bath, changed my briefs, got me dressed and into my wheelchair by 5 five. I can’t complain about the care this morning.

I feel pretty good this morning.  I do not feel sleepy. I think this is going to be a good day.  

9:29a.m. I had a lousy breakfast that I couldn’t eat. The eggs were too cold. They also served a banana muffin. I ate that and drank my coffee and juice. The coffee was weak but hot.  I read my book The Firm after breakfast. I’m almost finished with it. I have two more chapters.. I also chatted with Chocolatechip on Messenger. She was in good spirits this morning. Then it was time for the Coffee Social .

I’m having a good morning despite the lousy breakfast. I’m enjoying my book. I’m having a good cup of coffee at the social. It is hot and strong, just how I like it. Good coffee with a good book cannot be beat.

1:33p.m. I have been reading The Firm by John Graham all day. I took a break for a delicious lunch. I had a cheeseburger with fries and a cup of peaches. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She was watching Coal Miner’s Daughter. We talked about different movies. She wanted to buy a movie next month. It came down to Dirty Harry and Easy Rider. I said both are good but I preferred Dirty Harry I said.

I talked about my book a little bit. I have five more chapters. The hero of the story is now on the run from the Mob and the FBI. In the story the Mob had a deep mole in the FBI. He told the Mob about how the hero was selling information. But the mole was caught. The hero then fled both the Mob and the Feds. I said I’m anxious to see how this book ends.

I am having a good day for a change. Anytime I can sit on my lazy butt and read is a good day. I also had a good lunch and coffee. That made it even better.

7:01p.m. It took me all day but I finished The Firm by John Grisham. I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I gave it a five star rating on my Kindle. Next up is The Exchange: After the Firm.

I stopped reading for a delicious supper. I had ham, potatoes, carrots a dinner roll and two cookies. I ate every bite and didn’t get sick. I also chatted with Chocolatechip on Messenger. She filled me in on the latest juicy gossip at Misery Towers. We talked about other stuff as well. Then they served my dinner.

I had a good day today except when I was hurting and needed my briefs changed. I had two good meals. I talked a lot with Chocolatechip. I finished a great legal thrillers by John Grisham. I was blessed with mild arthritis pain. I had plenty of coffee. This was a very good day.

I’m going to continue reading Grisham tonight. I can’t wait to get started. Life is good.









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January 27, 2024

Oh the sweet power of imagination 🥰

January 27, 2024

So glad to hear about this, Bear. May every day will be like this (well, add some hot eggs to the mix…)