Saturday 1/13/24

9:45a.m. Last night was another bad one. I had very weird dreams. For one thing I was dreaming about being in downtown Steubenville.. I was not wearing a shirt. I went in this old cigar store called The Herald Square. I wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes but didn’t have the any money. I asked if they could loan me a pack  until tomorrow . They kicked me out of the store. 

I ended up walking around downtown Steubenville shirtless. I had $.35 on me. I wanted to take the bus back to Follansbee. I was standing on the corner of Third And Market street. It was dark out. Suddenly I saw my parents on the other side of the street. My mom was on one corner my dad on the other corner. They were not speaking. They didn’t respond when I waved at them.  That’s alli remember.

I do not sleep well because of weird dreams. I dream about all kinds of weird shit every night. I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. It was so this morning. I was wide awake at 3:00. I was waiting for the aides to get me in my wheelchair by 4:45.       

Then I had a crappy morning. The aides didn’t do their job right. I had to untangle my oxygen tubing. I knocked over my phone in the process. Then the aides left a mess in the sink. I had to clean that up b before brushing my teeth. After that I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I woke up around 6:30. 

I called Chocolatechip. Yesterday she talked about sending me Amazon gift cards so I can get a new tablet. Chocolatechip was kind of backing out of it this morning. She really wants to take a corispondence course.  I said I understood. Her money is tight and I would rather see her spend it on herself. The tablet itself cost $54.30. Total cost is $66.30. That would be a big chunk out of her check.

We talked about that until breakfast. Breakfast was kind of skimpy. They served a banana coffee cake, cold scrambled eggs and oatmeal. I ate it all without complaint. The coffee and juice were good. But I was still sleepy. I fell asleep until 9:00.    

I’m in the Fiesta Room now. I’m doing a bit better thanks to two coffees and two donuts. I’m staying here for lunch. I feel I need to get out of my room a bit.

12:56p.m. I had two big Philly cheese steak sandwiches for lunch. They were delicious but now I’m painfully bloated. I feel like I want to throw up. I just had some Mylanta and that should help.

I had a good time at the Coffee Social. I read my book Dark Tower for an hour. I also wrote in my journal. I wheeled myself back to my room after lunch. Then I called Chocolatechip. She want feeling all that great. But we talked for a half hour. I wasn’t feeling very well myself. I said goodbye and headed for the nurse’s station for Mylanta.

I’m going to be reading this afternoon. I want to do another hour of the Dark Tower. I’d like to read two chapters today. Then I want to read. H NIV Study Bible. I’ve got two more chapters in Joshua. Then I want to start on Judges. I have my reading cut out for me today. Life is good.

2:46p.m. This is turning out to be a good day. I enjoyed reading my book the Dark Tower. I read for an hour. I was reading a very scarry chapter. I’m taking break now but would like to get back to my book and read for another hour. Then I’m going to read my NIV Study Bible 

I just called Chocolatechip and left a message. She wasn’t feeling all that great the last time we talked. I hope she is ok. Yesterday Chocolatechip was having bad stomach pain. But that subsided by morning. Today is something different.k I’m a bit worried. I hope she is ok.

I’m doing good this afternoon. I’m still in my wheelchair.  I was just asked by an aide if I was ready for bed. I said no since the hoyer pad isn’t hurting my butt. I’d like to stay in my wheelchair until after supper.

Well, it’s back to the Dark Tower. I’m obsessed with this stupid story.

4:04p.m. I’m in bed now. The aide didn’t know what she was doing. She walked away without handing me my oxygen tubing. She didn’t move the table up where I could reach the phone. Then she knocked the phone off the table when she tried to finish her job. What really got me though was she wouldn’t hand me my tablet. Then she yelled at me for yelling at her. 

Anyways, I’m in bed and have on dry briefs. I’m glad I’m in bed. I’ve been sitting on the hoyer pad for over eleven hours. It was starting to hurt. To their credit I did not have long to wait. 

Now I can go back and read my book until supper.    

7:20p.m. I read two chapters in the Dark Tower. I read untill I got my supper drinks. I called Chocolatechip. She isn’t feeling well at all. Chocolatechip said her stomachs h became queezy whenever she tried to eat or drink. She cancelled an important appointment Monday because she felt sick. We talked for a few minutes then she went to bed.

They served ham, sweet potatoes and green beans for supper. I didn’t eat the veggies. After supper I read the Bible for an hour. I finished Deuteronomy. I also read seven chapters in Judges. I’d like to read more but I’m conking out. My battery is also running low. So it is time to call it a night  



































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January 13, 2024

What a roller coaster of a day, Bear! I don’t know how you do it.