Monday 9/9/24

10:14a.m. I’m above the dirt. Again I didn’t have any nightmares last night. I also slept well . I was up for good by breakfiast. I ate French toast. Then it went downhill I laid in urine until 10:00. The aides got me dressed and in my wheelchair then. I promptly peed myself after they left. I hate incontinence. That was my downfall.

I read two chapters in The Truths We Hold  by Kamala Harris last night. I’m almost finished with that book. I have about five more chapters . I hope to finish it by Tuesday. I’m not sure what I’ll read next. I think it will be a book called Revolutionary Summer by Joseph J Ellis. I bought that one a long time ago. It is about time I get around reading it.

I talked briefly with Chocolatechip. She was busy making phone calls this morning. She was talking to her debit card company. They will work with her in getting her funds ben she back from Qlink. Then she has to get ready for an appointment at 11:00. Chocolatechip is getting fitted for diabetic shoes this morning. She also talked about going to Walmart Wednesday for groceries. She and on getting ingredients for her homemade chili. As usual she is pretty busy.

1:24p.m. Good News! That person sent me another $50 Amazon gift card. I bought four books by Henry Kissinger with it. Years of Upheaval, The White House Years, Years of Renewal and Ending the Vietnam War. I still have $3.10 left on my Ballance. I love books! I love buying books! I love to read books! Thank you Thank You Thank You! I am one happy old fart.

So I had a great morning. I spent it reading The New York Times. I read five or six articles about the upcoming debate and the race. Polls indicate that Trump leads Harris by one percentage point. I think the upcoming debate will be a great influence on undecided voters. I also think that Harris will win the debate hands down. She is no pushover.

I read until they served lunch. I had two meatballs sandwiches,fries and chocolate ice cream. I’m a bit bloated but it isn’t very painful. Then I talked with Chocolatechip. She got her diabetic shoes . She just got back when I called. I had a nice chat with her. We talked for a little bit about her outing and the problem with Qlink. She said Qlink claimed they don’t have the money. The debit card Co will get it figured out. Then she had to take her meds.

Well, back to reading. Life is good.

3:17p.m. I am in bed. I’m glad because I needed my briefs changed and the hoyer pad was starting to hurt. The aide took her good old time. She put me in bed then left to take care of other patients. It took her a half hour to get back to me. I was soaked by then and lying in feces. Why did you she not finish the job?

I called Chocolatechip. She wasn’t very happy. She was thinking about that problem with Qlink for one thing. The problem is kind of complicated. She accidentally ordered two phones. She wants to keep one and cancel the other. Qlink says the don’t have the money to return for the cancelled phone. Her debit card bank says otherwise.  I said I would switch to a different cell phone service. The thing smells fishy to me. Chocolatechip said she will wait to see how it plays out. I think that was the main thing on her mind.

Then something else sad bothering her. I told her about the gift card. She said I don’t know how you do it.She also said I must lay it on thick in getting people to send me gift cards. I don’t think I do that,.I’m really don’t. I just tell it like it is or how I see things. I dunno. I’m sorry if I do sounds like the tail wagging the dog. That really was not my intent. I think she was just frustrated with Qlink and I got in the way. But that comment bothered me a bit.

In addition to talking with Chocolatechip I was also reading The New York Times. i read an a couple articles about Donald Trump. One article said Trump has a long history of making misogynistic comments about female opponent in debates. He will no doubt try to intimidate Kamala Harris in the upcoming debate Tuesday night. He also says nasty things about female reporters who ask him tough questions In short Trump doesn’t like strong and intelligent women.

5:36p.m. I’m having the infamous ham and pinto beans, pan fried potatoes, cornbread and fudge ribbon cake for supper. I will pass on the ham and pinto beans. I ate it the last time they were served. But I just do not like ham and pinto beans. That shit is wicked!

I read a another article from the New York Times while waiting for supper. This one was about an Israeli air strike at Syria. They hit a facility that was producing long range misses. I think it said 18 were killed 37 injured. Most of the casualties were Hamas fighters or some kind of terror organization. War never ends in the Mid East. Why can’t people just learn to live and live

It is getting late and I’m.still waiting on supper. That is just fine with me because I’m not too crazy about it. I think I’ll pass tonight.

6:23p.m. I am having that meeting with my care team tomorrow afternoon at 1:45. The purpose is to discuss any progress, goals or concerns I have about my care. I have several issues in would like to discuss. They are:

  1. Continued lack of care
  2. Get broken glasses replaced
  3. Schedule I’d like to get up early so I can participate in activities
  4. Sitting on the hoyer pad for hours on end
  5. Not getting a $50 gift card in July
  6. Not getting substitute meals when asked
  7. Redness around my genital area aides not putting cream on my bottom
  8. Had a very bad cough for over a month and nothing was done about it.

The meeting is scheduled to last fifteen minutes. I hope they will address these issues or at least listen. I do speak up when I have the chance. But nothing ever changes.

I didn’t eat supper. I didn’t like it and was not hungry. I had a big lunch anyways. I’m hoping I can get a pbj sandwich later on.

I read the paper all day. Now I want to read The Truths We Hold by Kamala Harris. I hope to read two chapters tonight.

10:18p.m. I finished a chapter in The Truths We Hold  by Kamala Harris. I’m still wide awake so I’m debating on tackling another chapter. I’d like to finish this book asp. I’m anxious to start   Years of Upheaval by Henry Kissinger I read this one before but it is worth a second read Hopefully I can finish the Harris book by tomorrow. I will have to stay up and read one more chapter








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September 9, 2024

I don’t think you lay it on thick. I’m sure things are sometimes worse than you share. You are pretty good at balancing the good with the bad. Either way, it’s your story to tell however you wish, and I am glad you share.

September 9, 2024

@dearestsima  Thank you Greta