Monday 9/4/23

7:59a.m. I had an excellent aide last night.zShe changed my briefs arnd seven. Later on she gave me a nice shower and shave. I felt so much better. I slept fairly well. I had a dream I was on Dr Phil. Then an aide woke me up for the day. She cleaned me up. Gave me a sponge bath, changed my briefs and got me in my wheelchair. I couldn’t ask for better treatment. 

I slept in my wheelchair until they served breakfast. I had toast and a cheese omelette. It was pretty good. I talked with Chococolatechip. She is going to quit smoking today. She can do it! I said you need to avoid unpleasant people like the  Bitch Clique and upsetting situations. Doing something else to take the place of lighting up will also help. 

She said she bought a pack of nicotine lossengers yesterday She is on four milligrams . Box recommends nine a day  I think that is too much but what do I know? I said you ought to call Dr C but she wants to do it alone. Chococolatechip also said she plans on doing things around the apartment to keep from smoking. In any case I wish her luck and I’m very proud of her. I couldn’t stop until they put me on oxygen. 

I’m back in bed already. I think I’ll skip the Coffee Social today. I don’t feel very well. Besides, I had that accident last time. I’m  embarrassed to show my face. I can always need in bed. 

Well, one more day and that Stephen King book will be available. But I’m afraid King will have to wait I started reading Decision in Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787 last night. I must cannot gonna day without reading. I’m on a 25 day reading streak and I don’t want to lose momentum. 

1:26p.m. I skipped the social. I slept the morning away. They woke !e up for lunch. I had two hot dogs. Im talked with Chococolatechip a little bit She reported no cravings so far. Chococolatechip bought a movie, Psycho, the original. She loves old time movies. So do I for that matter

I need my briefs changed. I’ll probably lie in urine and feces all afternoon. I think a new shift started . These aides are not so nice. This place sucks at times. 

 4:50p.m. I slept all afternoon. I didn’t wake up until 4:30. I called Chocolatschip. We talked briefly. She said she did not smoke all day. I’m so proud of her. We ended our conversation because she wanted to get ready for bed. She has an early doctor’s appointment. 

I can’t believe I slept all day long. I hope I can sleep tonight. I don’t like getting my days and nights mixed up I guess this is what happens when I s!ip coffee. I’m definitely going to the Coffee Social Tuesday. I need the caffeine to keep !e going. 

8:33p.m. I did t get !y dinner until 6:30. I ate ham, sweet potatoes a dinner roll and a cup of pears. I started to read after supper. I read two chapters in my book Decision in Philadelphia The Constitutional Convention of 1787 by Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier I’m enjoying this book. The authors are a lot easier to understand. I’m going to finish this book despite the fact that The Stephen King book will be available in three hours 






















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September 4, 2023

Hey keep cool, is it 100 outside?   It is here