Monday 9/25/23

6:05a.m. I had a fairly decent night.i got a nice shower and shave I felt so much better. I was able to read four chapters. I fell asleep around nine. . I had some weird dreams. I remember a couple of them. In this one dream I was cleaning up a kitchen. This one lady gave me an apron. Then I had a dream about my sister. I was going to move in with them. I was also paying back money I owed. Dreams are weird.

Aides got me up around five. They woke me up from a nice dream about two women in a car. One of them turned around and said I was s good husband. Aides  were not friendly. They  did their job though. But damn. that dream had potential.

I called Chocolatschip. She was feeling a bit better. She talked about Eddie the Moocher. She said she isn’t answering the door anymore when he knocks. Yesterday’s interaction with him put a very bad taste in her mouth. I said all he wants is to mooch something from you.she with that. We talked briefly then she wanted to take her  meds. 

Chococolatechip did ask if I was going to the Coffee Social. I said I did I didn’t know. I then said something tells me I better lay off the coffee for awhile. I also said I was drinking five, six cups a day. . She said that was way too much. She said thatmight be why I was getting  sick. She might be right.

Well, I’m above the dirt. God help me I could use a cup of coffee.They should be serving drinks soon. I’ll just have one  up with breakfast .

7:45a.m. I had my orange juice and coffee. The coffee didn’t bother me. For breakfast I had two slices of French toast It was pretty good, better than cold eggs. I was sleeping in my wheelchair but am awake now I think I’m going to have a good day.  

10:42a.m. I slept all morning. But I woke up and made it to the Coffee Social. God help me I need that blasted coffee to start my engine! I can’t wait for my first cup But I’m going to make an honest effort to limit my intake. Well, it is a nice thought. 

12:45p.m. I ate a delicious lunch. I had ham, sweet potatoes, broccoli,a dinner roll and a chocolate cake. I ate it all and didn’t get bloated. 

I had a great time at the coffee social. I read my book. I really got involved with the story. I was at a very scary part in the book. I jumped out of my wheelchair they served lunch. Besides reading I had two cups of coffee and and orange drink. It doesn’t get any better than a good Stephen King story and coffee.

I made my way back to my room after I ate. I called Chocolatschip. She is doing much better . We talked for a short time. Chococolatechip said she was outside talking with people this morning. She had a good time. She asked how I was feeling. I said I had two coffees at the social. They didn’t bother my stomach. We both said we are having a good day.

Well I’m going back to my book The Talisman. I’m almost finished with it and I just have to find out how it ends! 

4:49p.m. I’m getting closer and closer to the end of my story. I read a couple really very scary chapters. I wanted to read more but Chocolatschip kept bothering me on chat. I don’t mind chatting with her under any circumstances, even if Im reading Stephen King. At least she is chatting with me and not some other guy.

I stayed in my wheelchair until 4pm. I had no pressing ref to get changed or go to bed. But what makes me mad is they clean me up get it me in bed and change my briefs. Then I pee mysel right after they leave. This happens all the time and I feel so frustrated. It happened today while talking to Chococolatechip. I swear., I hate being incontinent .

Other than that I had a fairly decent day. I had a touch of arthritis pain in my legs this afternoon. Pain level was a five on a one to five scale. It didn’t last too long though . I was ok after it subsided. Also didn’t have too many incontinence episodes except after they put me to bed. Best part was I did not get bloated or sick after eating a big lunch. This really was a good day.

It is after five now. They will be serving drinks and supper soon.i could use a cup of coffee now. I’m not too hungry because I had that big lunch. But I can always drink coffee.  My evening coffee makes the fourth cup I had today C’mon supper. I want to get this over with so I can talk with Chococolatechip until she goes to bed. Then I can read tonight. 

8:40p.m. I had a chicken sandwich for supper and a cup of pears. I called Chocolatschip after I ate. We talked for a short time to hen she went to bed early. I started to read The Talisman. I am on the last two chapters but they will be have to wait until tomorrow. I can’t stay awake but I’m so near the end of it. I cannot wait until tomorrow.  Hell I’m going back to my book











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