Monday 9/23/24

4:30a.m. I had a nice night for a change. I ended up with a very good aide. Then I slept with no nightmares. I had a nice sex dream about one of my teachers..I bought her some underwear then took her out to dinner. We ended up having sex But just before we got it on the aides came to get me out of bed.

My only problem is I don’t have any pants . I’m dressed in a hospital gown.  The hoyer pad is killing me .It feels like a thousand little knives are cutting into my butt. The day isn’t starting off with a bang.

7:40a.m. I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I swear I sleep better in my wheelchair than in bed. I don’t  have nightmares in my chair.  I slept until they served breakfast. I had a coffee cake and scrambled eggs.k Then I talked with Chocolatechip. She was up early today. Chocolatechip has a morning doctors appointment. We had a nice talk then she had to get ready.

I feel much better after my sleep. The hoyer pad isn’t hurting as much. I had a cup of strong hot coffee and the orange hit the spot.  Today might not be so bad after all.

9:53a.m. I read a few articles in The New York Times and talked with Chocolatechip for a long time. Then I went to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee social. I didn’t stay long. I had one cup then made my way back home .

I’m having a good morning. Except they are serving ham and pinto beans for lunch. But they will have cornbread. I like cornbread. Then it is mixed fruit for dessert. For supper it is butter crumb fish, peas , Au gratin potatoes,dinner roll and a brownie for dessert. Lunch sucks but dinner sounds good.

I want to concentrate on my book The White House Years by Henry Kissinger I started on an interesting chapter last night. It was about the opening of negotiations with the old Soviet Union. Kissinger was talking about preparations for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT). I want to learn more.

1:00p.m. I am not making much progress in The White House Years .The damned hoyer pad is causing a lot of pain. I am having a hard time concentrating because my butt hurts so bad. But I’m sticking with it. I read until they served lunch. I passed on the ham and pinto beans but ate the cornbread and the fruit cup.

I cannot wait until the aides put me back in bed! I have one more hour before I can even think about getting off this hoyer pad. The aides are taking care of lunch trays. This means one more hour of pure hell.

I must be one tough old bird. I never considered myself tough or strong. Chocolatechip said today I’m tougher than I realize  I’m beginning to think she is right after going through all this pain and.discomfort. I don’t know I just want to get off this damned hoyer pad.

1:56p.m. There is a God in heaven! The aide came in at 1:30. She made my bed and put me in it. I was cleaned up and had my briefs changed. She even put cream on my butt and thighs.  I didn’t have to wait too long today. I received excellent care. All is right in the world!

I called Chocolatechip to let her know I was ok. She was watching NBC News Daily. We talked for a few minutes. I talked about some of stuff I read today. I read five articles in the NYT But I wanted to read the Kissinger book. I also signed an application for a ballot She thought that was cool. Then I said I want to make sure I can vote for Kamala Harris. After that she wanted to get something to eat.

I intend to read my book this afternoon. But I need to defuse first Just give me ten to fifteen minutes of downtime.

4:13p.m. I fell asleep for about an hour. I called Chocolatechip and we talked for awhile . Then the aide came in to change my briefs.

6:27p.m. I had a delicious supper. I ate it all and didn’t get too bloated. I talked with Chocolatechip. I said I wonder if I can could qualify for a government phone. If I had a cell phone I could transfer to the Weirton Geriatric Center. I said this might be a viable option. I do not know how much longer I can put up sitting on that hoyer pad. Chocolatechip said to think long and hard on that one.

I remember my parents being at the Geriatric Center. I was not impressed with that place. I remember it had an order about it I hated visiting them there. Imagine what it must of been like living in that environment. At least this place is clean.

Besides that I get cable, phone and Internet. I’d be lost without phone and Internet. I am so afraid that without a phone I’d lose touch with Chocolatechip. She is my lifeline. Then the food is good here except for the ham and pinto beans. I bitch about this place but I basically like it here. It is what I know and I like to stick with what I know.

7:56p.m. I read my book The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. I will be starting on Chapters VI ” First Steps towards China.”  This book is great. Kissinger writes about the foreign policy of Richard Nixon. I didn’t like Nixon when he was president. But I gained on a new respect for him after reading these volumes. If it weren’t.for Watergate Nixon would of been a decent President.

I had that nice aide from  last night . She changed my briefs and cleaned me up already. I feel better when I’m not lying in my own filth. I wish all CNAs were like her. I’m having a good evening.







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3 weeks ago

To me, I think Nixon is both a criminal, but at the same time responsible for things that the present day MAGA Republicans hate: the EPA, OSHA, the Clean Air and Clean Water Act all happened under his administration. But he and Kissinger arranged for the bombing of Cambodia, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. To me, they are both war criminals.

2 weeks ago

@ravdiablo  I think Kennedy, Johnson and Robert McNamara should be charged as war criminals. They got us into that mess in the first place