Monday 9/11/23

4:33a.m. I’m above the dirt.  I had some weird dreams. I had this one dream where I was walking this mall dressed as a woman. I was with my parents. We stopped at this old place to get something to eat. I started talking to an illegal alien. Then we were walking through the mall. A woman stopped me. She went on about how I was dressed. Then my mother called her s priss. . This is all I can remember. 

I had a good night other than that dream.  I fell asleep around 8:30. I slept good. The aides came in to change my briefs. They woke me up at 4:00. I had a nice aide who cleaned me up, changed my briefs and got me in my wheelchair. I can’t complain about !y treatment.

Today is the anniversary of 9/11. I will never forget that terrible day when the Twin Towers went down and all those people died. I was so angry and yet afraid. I kept watching videos of the attack. I ended up very depressed and suicidal from the news. I thought for sure we would end up in WWIII. I was so upset I ended up in the psych unit of the hospital.

It’s hard to believe that it has been over twenty years. ago . A new generation has grown up. I bet today’s kids don’t give 9/11 a second thought. But I will never forget that awful day. 

8:48a.m. I had French toast and yogurt for breakfast. I also had two coffees and a glass of orange juice. But the extra coffee didn’t help. I’m still very tired. The way I feel now is thp ey can put !e back in bed and I’ll sleep all day. But I want to stay awake. I want to go to the coffee social, read my book and talk with Chococolatechip. 

I called Chocolatschip after breakfast. She was feeling very anxious about the move. She was afraid the family  will wimp out. I tried to reassure her. I said I’m sure your family will help. We all want to see you  over where you will be safe and free of bed bugs. Then Chococolatechip went on a out the door incident and the latest run in with the Bitch Clique. No wonder she has anxiety with all the shit she puts up with. We talked briefly then she wanted to take a bath.

I am doing fairly well this morning. My stomach is queazy from breakfast. I feel a touch of diarrhea coming on. My one side burts . Other than that I’m ok. I received good care this morning and a good breakfast. It doesn’t get any better than this.

10:40a.m. I fell asleep in my wheelchair. I slept until Chococolatechip called and woke me up. She was outside talking with Tim the Moocher. She said she was around smokers but didn’t light up. Chococolatechip hasn’t smoked since Sunday before Labor Day.  She claims she doesn’t even want one anymore. I’m very proud of her. 

I’m at the coffee social now. I’m sipping on my third cup of coffee. The caffeine is finally waking me up. It also feels good to get out of my room. I hope to start reading my book Holly while I’m here plus drink lots of coffee 

12:54p.m. I had a good time at the coffee social. I had three cups of coffee plus two glasses of chocolate milk. Lunch consisted of beef lasagna and a cake. It was delicious and I’m stuffed to the gills. I also chatted with Chococolatechip and read my book  Afterwards  I made my way back to my room. It was good to get out and good to be back. 

The lasagna went right through me though. As soon ask got sick I had a BM. I need my briefs changed and I’d like to be put in bed. Butzkdes are taking care of lunch trays. I’ll be sitting in urine and fevesvot a couple of hours I’m just glad I made it back before having an accident.

I read Holly for about an hour at the social. This a really good book 

6:08p.m. I had a good afternoon reading Holly and talking with Chococolatechip. She has an early morning doctor appointment so she went to bed at five. I waited around for supper which was late I didn’t want it anyway,just don’t like their egg salad. I had a big lunch and wasn’t hungry. 

I only have one bitch today. I had an aide who called my hospital gown a nightgown. I said to her the other day a lady at the social called it a dress. The aide said it looks like a dress. This didn’t make me feel too good. I felt she was making fun of me or something and I felt a bit uncomfortable, But other than that she was a very nice aide.  

I was telling Chococolatechip about this. She said it was just a passing remark. She was a young aide I said. Chococolatechip said the aide might not know the difference. I said you have seen me in hospital gowns do they look like nightgowns? She emphatically said no. She also said I was making too much out of it. Chococolatechip was probably right. But guys can get very sensitive about their masculinity at times.

Well the day is coming to a close. Chococolatechip has gone to bed early. I have more time to read my book. I’m on an reading streak. This makes thirty- three straight days of reading. I’m on a roll! 




7:57p.m. Does this look like a hospital gown, nightgown or dress?

9:39p.m. I did a lot of reading tonight. I just can’t get enough of Stephen King! I’m getting sleepy but I can’t put down the book. One thing about reading is that it keeps me from thinking about what that aide said. That is praying on my mind. Believe me, if I had pants I would wear them! Nightgowns my ass!


























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