Monday 8/12/24

10:20a.m. I’m above the dirt. I had a great aides last night. I also slept well with no weird dreams. I was up for good by 6:30. I had a coffee cake and orange juice for breakfast. Then the aide got me up in time for the coffee social. After I got in my wheelchair I made my way to the Fiesta Room. It went ok. I had one cup and left for my room.   

I finished reading The Edge last night. The ending was more complicated than I thought. But it was a happy ending ding. The bad guys got their just rewards. I gave it a five star rating. My next read is another David Baldacci novel A Calamity of Souls. I’ll start it tonight.

This is supposed to be the day I get my Amazon gift card . It should be for $100 because I didn’t get one last month. But I’m not holding my breathe. Like I keep saying I won’t believe it until I have it in my big fat hands. 

I also talked with Chocolatechip this morning. She said she had a good night. But somebody knocked on her door late at night. She didn’t answer. Still she was in the good spirits. Chocolatechip talked about getting fitted for diabetic shoes today. Her appointment is at 3:00 at Tri State Medical Supply. I am glad she is doing well. 

I’m having a better day than yesterday. But lunch is shitty. They are serving the infamous ham and pinto beans. I hate this shit but I’ll give it a shot I got to eat something.    

12:31p.m.  I went to the Fiesta Room for lunch. I tied it but just couldn’t eat ham and pinto beans. They also have served spinach. It was a meal from hell. I had coffee, cornbread and chocolate milk. I made my way back to my room. I talked with Chocolatechip for a little bit. She wasn’t too happy this time. She said she is totally fine done with Eddie the Mooch.  Good I said The Mooch is a complete asshole.    

I  keep thinking about The Edge by David Baldacci. I enjoyed that book. Sometimes I hate to finish a novel I really liked. This was true of the last book I read. I’m still lost in the story and I kind of miss the characters. I felt for Alex Silkwell and I thought of her as a friend. She had a very rough time of it and I could relate with that. But in the end she came out ok. I like stories with happy endings.   

I guess I have a case of book lag. This is when you are so rapped up in the last book you read you can’t move on to the next. I got so cought up in The Edge. I wanted it to go on and on forever. But all good things must come to an end. 

I think I’ll skip the paper this afternoon and start A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci. This.should be another good one. It was on the New York Times best seller list.    

1:54p.m. I got a $50 Amazon gift card. I was in happy with it. I loaded it onto my account and spent it. I bought an Anker Sound Core Bluetooth speaker and two books. The books I bought were The Truths we Hold by Kamala Harris for $9.99. I also bought Battles and Leaders of the Civil War Volume 4 for $2.99. That killed the card. 

I’m a tad disappointed. By rights I should have received an$100 card. I didn’t get a card last month. But there isn’t much I can do about it. After all beggars can’t be choosers. And $50 is better than nothing.     

3:10p.m. I am kind of excited about getting that speaker. Delivery date is Thursday.  But I’m wondering if screwed myself. I bought the same speaker that died on me. What if this one is a dud? I’ll be out almost $38. I should of thought long and hard before buying. Oh well, this won’t be the first dumb thing I did. They say a fool and his money are soon parted. I fit the bill on that one. 

I talked with Chocolatechip. She is home. She thought about ordering from Dominos. But she wants to hold on to her extra money for cab fare. I said you need to get to Krogers because you’re low on food. She might do that tomorrow after the bank. Chocolatechip said she did have a TV dinner and some waffles today. Son she had something good to eat. 

I had an incontinence episode not too long ago. I’m soaked. I had the call light on Asshole, the male aide, answered. He said he would be right back. It is now 4:00. God only knows how long I’ll have to wait. 

4:48p.m. I’m in bed now. and I’m relatively pain free. But Asshole didn’t put cream on my sores. He did not clean me up. I dunno. I’d prefer a female aide anyways. I talked with Chocolatechip. She talked about The Mooch. She fixed him a grilled cheese sandwich. But she did demand and got her plate back. Chocolatechip said she doesn’t understand why she does that. I don’t either I said. I said I just don’t get it when she asked my take on this issue. Ok this is enough about Eddie the Mooch.

I’m just laying in bed waiting for my.dinner.drinks. They are serving fish fillet, seasoned peas, au gratin potatoes, a dinner roll and a frosted brownie  for supper. The food was a bit sucky today. I hope supper will be good.

I don’t know why I didn’t read the paper today. I looked at the headlines and that was it. I like to follow politics. There wasn’t much in the paper about it today. I did see where Republicans got hacked by Iran. At least that is what they are claiming. Also, I saw where Britain is having trouble with far right extremists. They were protesting over immigration policies. Then there was an article.about.climate.change. I’m interested in all this. I just wasn’t up to reading about it today.

What I am interested in is that book by Kamala Harris The Truths We Hold. I just bought it today. I’m torn between that book and another David Baldacci novel A Calamity of Souls . I can only read one book at a time. I think I’ll read one more Baldacci novel then get on with the Harris book. But both are equally appealing to me.    Ah decisions decisions decisions.

6:27p.m. I ate my supper. It was delicious. At least I had one good meal. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. Again she went on about Eddie the Mooch. She said I can say no or yes when he comes bumming. I said only you can stop it. Then she said helping him doesn’t add to the qualify of my life. It certainly doesn’t I said. She said there is nothing romantic involved. I just don’t understand why I do it. I said I know and I don’t either. I wsh you would just stop. We talked for a few minutes then she went to bed. 

I had a fairly good day for a change. The care wasn’t that great but it never is. I didn’t read too much. But I did get a $50 Amazon gift card. I bought a Bluetooth speaker and two books. Anytime I get ato spend money on books puts me in a good mood. I just hope I get this Anker Sound Core speaker on Thursday and I can get it working.   

I feel very bad for Chocolatechip though. I think she is very sad and lonely. Chocolatechip has a very kind heart. People in Misery Towers use her and take advantage of her kindness. She is just trying to make friends. But those miserable fucks like Eddie the Mooch see her kindness as being weak. That is my take on the situation. I get so frustrated because there is nothing I can do to stop it.     

8:13p.m. I read the first five chapters of A Calamity of Souls by David Baldacci. It is set in a suburb of Richmond, Virginia during the late 1960s. The opening chapter describes a crime seen. An elderly couple was murdered in their home. The cops have a black man in custody. They are very racist. I think the black man is innocent. But he will be blamed for the crime. The story got me interested in the book. I think it will be a good one.    

9:36p.m. I’m getting shitty care tonight. I’ve been lying in urine since supper. The aide told me an h. our ago she will change my briefs. I still haven’t been changed. This place sucks I spent half the day sitting in urine. I spent then rest laying in it.

This does not stop me from reading A Calamity of Souls by  David Baldacci. I read three more chapters.  But I’m soaked and need changed. I am also thinking about Chocolatechip and Eddie the Mooch. I can’t get that out of my mind I was thinking tough love might be in order. I should say to her it is either me or the Mooch.  Ut ultimatums backfire. 





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