Monday 7/15/24

1:00p.m.  I had a good night with no weird dreams. I was up for good by 6:30. The day did not get off to a good night start. I didn’t drink the coffee because it was cold. I had a breakfast of French toast that made me sick.  Then the aides wouldn’t get me dressed and out of bed. Lynn, from physical therapy had to talk to the nurse. I was finially dresed and in my wheelchair by 11:00.   

I was very stiff and sore while doing the exercises. I had a hell of a time doing the arm exercises. But I did them. Then I did three sets of thirty with the hand f grips Then I worked with the flex bar I did two sets of fifteen. The workout lasted until 11:45. Before going back to my room Lynn told me tomorrow will bel my last day.

I could be a bit paranoid but I noticed a difference with my treatment. I used to be able to joke with the staff. That was one reason why I liked going to pt. But things seemed a bit different since Doug entered the picture. The ladies do not seem as friendly. I started thinking Doug might of said something about Chocolatechip and myself. I dunno. I’m probably being too sensitive and paranoid.

Anyways, I called Chocolatechip when I got back to my room. She said something earlier about going to the library this morning. But it turned out to be way too hot. I talked about some articles I read in the New York Times. I read about how Biden addressed the nation last night. Basically k he said we have to unite as a nation and tune down the decisive rhetoric. He also said political violence had no place in this country. We settle our differences by voting. Weg had a nice talk until lunch

Lunch was good. I ate two egg salad sandwiches. They also served potato salad but I couldn’t eat that. I had watermelon for dessert. The coffee was nice and hot.

I’m having a good day so far. Life is good.

4:13p.m. I have been reading New York Times updates. The on Republican National Convention started in Milwaukee yesterday. Trump picked his running mate for today. Hime is J.D.Vance, 39. Vance is the a Senator from Ohio. I read about his political beliefs and am not impressed. For one thing he supports the lie that the 2020 election was stolen

Vance seems to have changed his tune . He once called Trump an American Hitler. But he started to kiss ass and won Trump’s backing for his Senate run in 2021. Frankly he scares the shit out of me.

I also talked with Chocolatechip. She was watching Fatal Attraction with Michael Douglas and Glenn Close. We only saw this movie a million times but it is still a great flick. She also talked to me about going outside. It didn’t go very well she said. She sat with some other ladies while smoking . They were not very friendly and that left a bad taste in her mouth. She got up and went back inside. I said I don’t blame you. Then she said she switched to Tri State Medical Supply for her CPAP machine. I dealt with them for home oxygen and they are good I said. We talked until the aides came to put me in bed.

6:30p.m. I had a delicious supper. They served buttermilk chicken, sweet potatoes, veggies, and a caramel cake for dessert. I ate everything. I called Chocolatechip. I’m worried about her. She sounded so depressed. She talked about going to Trinity. She said she didn’t want to go back on the unit. It has been a couple years since her last visit. Then she came back to an apartment full of bedbugs.

We talked for about half an hour about her problems.  Chocolatechip thinks it is situational. It is not easy living in Misery Towers with all those assholes. People are starting to knock on her door again. Someone knocked Friday night after she went to bed. She said she has a good idea who did it. It was either Eddie the Mooch or Kieth. I wish people would just leave you the hell alone. Chocolatechip didn’t say so but this shit really bothers her.

Chocolatechip asked what I was going to do tonight. I said stay up a couple hours and read my book Camino Ghosts. I didn’t read last night I said. I got sick from supper and went to bed early. I was talking about how I only have t.hree or four more chapters. I want to finish that tomorrow.

Then  started talking about politics. I talked about J. D. Vance. He wrote a book called Hillbilly Elegy. He grew up poor in Kentucky and a former steel town called Middletown,Ohio. Vance was raised by his grandmother. His mother was a drug addict. He entered the Marines and served in Iraq. After that he graduated from Ohio State and Harvard Law. I went on about him but she didn’t want to here it. This was when we said goodnight.


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July 15, 2024

When I was a little girl, when my mother was alive, she used to make me egg salad sandwiches.  I would eat two of them – always asked if I could have another.  I’m glad you enjoyed your egg salad sandwiches Bear.  And good job when it comes to physical therapy!  Have as good of a day as possible.  May more hot coffee come your way.  Smiles.