Monday 5/27/24

7:35a.m. I survived another night of nightmares. I was up for good by 6:30. The aides got me dressed and in my wheelchair. I soon had a breakfast of French toast. Then I called Chocolatechip.  We talked forma few minutes then she had to take her meds. It looks like I’m above the dirt and faced with another day in the nursing home.     

I’m going through mild arthritis pain in my right shoulder. On a scale of one to five the pain is a three. I could use an ibuprofen but will settle for a Tylenol. Also my stomach is a bit queezy from breakfast. I hope I do not get sick. In short this is a typical morning of a grumpy old man.    

I’m still going to have a good day. I’m going to read my book To the Gates of Richmond. I’m going to enjoy talking to Chocolatechip. I’m going to go to the coffee social and eat lunch in the Fiesta Room. I’m not letting a little pain ruin my day. Life is too short to be miserable old all the time.    

9:23a.m. I was feeling like shit earlier. Arthritis in my shoulder was killing me. I asked the nurse for some Tylenol with my morning meds. Then I listened to some old time country music artists on YouTube. I swear they here is nothing like music to make you feel good. Sometimes I think music is the best med of all, even better than books. 

I made my way to the Fiesta Room for coffee. I hope I can get two cups today.  I’m feeling a little better but I could use an extra jolt of coffee. Also my shoulder is still aching. Pushing myself a all the way down the hall didn’t help. But I wanted to go to the social.

1:14p.m. The internet and power were off for awhile. When it came back on I listened to music the rest of the morning. I shut her down at lunchtime. I had two chicken fillet sandwiches and a piece of peanut butter pie. I ate the sandwiches but the chicken was too spicy for my tastes. I had to get some  Mylanta at the nurse’s station. I will be ok now. 

Chocolatechip called after I ate. She was busy with other apartment all morning. She said she dusted again and swept the floors. I think all the major projects are done. Chocolatechip had six days until inspection. She thinks they will be very pleased with all her hard work.   

The arthritis pain finially went away. I’m feeling much better. I listened to music and I think that was the best therapy. It certainly took my mind off the pain. Now I hope I can concentrate on To the Gates of Richmond I want to start Chapters 9 over again. This chapter focuses on the battles around Gaines’s Mill.

2:37p.m. The aides just put me in bed. I needed changed and I was sitting on that hoyer pad for eight hours. It was starting to hurt. I’m still not in a good mood thought. I have been wondering what’s up with Chocolatechip. She is t answering or returning my calls. I miss not having having anyone to talk with. I hope she is ok.

I haven’t been reading yet. I just cannot get into my book.  Maybe because I know how it is going to end. The South won th at campaign. McClellan failed to capture Richmond. But Lee also wanted to destroy the Federal army. This he failed to do. So I guess you could say the Peninsula campaign was a draw of sorts.

Still it is interesting. But I’m stuck on Chapter 9 ” Gaines’s Mill.” This chapter begins after the battle of Mechanicsville. Stephen W Sears says that Mechanicsville was a Federal Victory. But McClellan was a beaten man after one battle in the Seven Days. The federal general became convinced Union forces were outnumbered. He vowed to retreat due south to the James River and withdraw federal for ex from Richmond . Robert E Lee seized the initiative and would not let go.

Damn it is after three and no Chocolatechip. I wonder what is going on with her. She usually calls by now. I hope she is ok.      N

5:02p.m. I’ve been doing a lot of reading about the Battle of Gaines’s Mill. I’m almost finished with Chapter 9. I finially got in touch with Chocolatechip. She had company this afternoon I was just glad to hear from her. I was beginning to think she was in the ER or something. Anyway we talked for a few minutes until she wanted to get something to eat.

6:23p.m. I didn’t eat supper.  They served two bowls of ham and pinto beans. I can’t stand that shit. I ate the dessert and dinner roll. I asked for the substitute. But I still got ham and pinto beans.

I talked with Chocolatechip. She was worried about getting bed bugs from her company. Chocolatechip said they wanted to borrow some t bags. I guess it is the end of the month and the Moochers are out in force. Eddie the Mooch came by. He was out of food and had nothing to eat. Welcome to the club Eddie. Anyways we talked for a half hour then she went to bed.

I have in on NBC nightly news. They were talking about severe weather threatening millions on the east coast. Kentucky had bad tornadoes that killed five. Now they are talking about the Israel Hamas war. Israel launched a strike against this one Palestine town killing many civilians. It now faces world wide sanctions.  I just turned off the news.

I had a so so day. My morning was rough because of arthritis. But it got better after they put me in bed. I was able to do a lot of reading and that made me feel good. But then I had a lousy supper. I guess you have to have a little rain along with the sunshine.


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