Monday 2/5/24

3:39a.m. I’m up early today. The aides camel in to give me a shower and a shave. I cannot remember the last time I got a shower. I think it was over a month ago. Anyways I’m all cleaned up and feeling good. But I’m in for a very long day.

I did a lot of reading last night. I read Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff until eight. Then I read my NIV Study Bible for an hour. I read the book of Ruth. I found this to be very interesting. I read until nine . I wanted to read more but l fell asleep.

I had some weird dreams about my father. In this dream I hated him. I always tried to avoid him by staying in my room or the public library in Steubenville. Whenever we did meet he would always scream at me. I was a bit afraid of him and never did talk back. Thank goodness this was only a dream.

I had other dreams well. I remember one dream where I was walking around wearing a girdle. I had socks in the cups for boobs. I don’t know where I was at in this dream. I think I was living with my parents. Anyway my parents hated me for wearing women’s clothes. I sure do have weird dreams.

I had a fairly good night despite the strange dreams. I wasn’t troubled with arthritis pain. I feel rested thanks to the nice hot shower I had. I think this is going to be another good day.

7:34a.m. I read my NIV Study Bible. I started on 1 Samuel. I read the first two chapters. I got sleepy and fell asleep for awhile. I slept in my wheelchair until six. I called Chocolatechip when I woke up.  She talked about returning that damned phone to Xfinity. Then she wants to cancell  with SCI. She said stop me dead in my tracks if I ever get any other bright ideas.

We talked until they served breakfast. Breakfast was skimpy but good. I ate oatmeal, scrambled eggs and two slices of toast. Thek eggs were warm. The coffee was hot. There is nothing like hot coffee and orange juice in the morning.

Then I called Chocolatechip Again the subject was the damned cell phone from Xfinity. She calmed down considerably a out it. Chocolatechip feels her case manager from Healthways will help her. They have an appointment this afternoon. She wants to return the phone as soon as possible.

Me? I intend to do a lot of reading today. I want to read my Bible and Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. I also want to make y daily pilgrimage to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social. I always liked to keep my life nice and simple. I don’t know shit about cell phones and I don’t want to know anything about them. They are  ore trouble than they are worth.

10:20a.m. I made it to the Coffee Social. I had a miserable time. I kept peeing myself and I froze my butt off. I tried to read my book but was too miserable. I drank two coffees then made my way back to my room. I’m soaked to the gills but I won’t get changed until after lunch. I’m not having a good day.

1:07p.m.  I read four more chapters in 1 Samuel. It took me all morning. I was having trouble with my Study Bible. It took me awhile but I think I solved the problem. I read until I had Al very sucky lunchwith a very cold coffee. They served two very dry turkey burgers, pasta salad and coleslaw. I had a piece of  cinnamon sugar cake for dessert. That was the only thing that was good.

I do not know what’s wrong but I feel very depressed. For one thing I’ve been sitting in urine all morning. I’m soaked. The aides are taking care of lunch trays now. If I’m lucky it will be another hour before they come to help. Sitting in your own urine is enough to make anyone depressed. Then I saw some books I want to buy but have no money. It won’t be for a other three months before I can start buying books from Amazon This sort of got me very depressed.

I was talking to Chocolatechip. I said all I want is to own every ebook in the English language. Is that two much to ask? Also I want to sit on !y lazy ass and read all day long. She said that’s all I ever wanted. I said one good thing about being in a nursing home is I can sit on my butt and read all day. At my age I don’t think this is too unreasonable.

Despite being soaked in urine I’m going to read Midnight in Washington this afternoon. Maybe if I can get lost in a good book I can forget about things. Escaping from my problems for a while is why I read so much in the first place. eople use drugs to escape from reality. My drug of choice has always been books.

4:29p.m. I’m in bed now. The aide put me in bed about an hour ago. I spent over twelve hours sitting in urine. There is no excuse but what can I do. I’ve bitched about it to anyone who will listen. It just doesn’t do any good.

6:31p.m.I managed to read my book Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. I read one chapter this afternoon I’d like to get another in tonight. I’m enjoying this book. It is a complete indictment against Trump. The author makes a good case that he was in collusion with the Russians to steel the 2016 election. Schiff practically accuses Trump of being a traitot and I think the author makes some valid points.

I enjoyed reading my book but this has been a very shitty day for me and Chocolatechip. The climax came for me at suppertime. They served Swedish meatballs. I love Swedish meatballs but I got very sick and bloated. I wouldn’t eat them for fear of getting sick. I almost did throw up anyways. Oh well I hope tomorrow will be better




























































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February 5, 2024

I admire your capacity to remember these dreams. My friend and I were discussing “lucid dreaming” yesterday; do you know anything about it?

February 5, 2024

@ravdiablo  I read an author one time named Robert Johnson. He wrote a book called Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth. I recommend this book. If I remember right the author was a Jungian psychiatrist who used dreams with his patients. Its been awhile since I read him I might want to give this a second shot


February 5, 2024

@bear70 I would like to read it. Maybe we can read it at the same time and discuss on here?