Monday 12/4/23

9:51a.m. I’m having a lousy morning. First, the aide who got me up was nasty and not too gentle. That was enough to put me in a bad mood. Then my whole body cried out in arthritis pain. My shoulders were especially hurting. I tried sleeping in my wheelchair but the pain kept me up. I’m one miserable old fart.

My night wasn’t all that great either. I got lousy care.. I was changed once at three. I spent most of my night laying in poop and pee. Then breakfast was cheesy. I had cold scrambled eggs and toast. Even the coffee was on the weak side. After breakfast I did fall asleep. I slept until it was time for the Coffee Social

I’m at the social now I’m starting to feel better. I’m on my second up of coffee. Thank God for coffee! I swear there is something magical about a good cup of caffeine. Coffee makes me feel good all over. It even helps with the arthritis. 

1:26p.m. The coffee I had at the social perked me up. I had two cups plus one with !unch. I read Wolves of the Calla for a couple of hours.Then I had lunch. . They served two bowls of ham and pinto beans. I can’t believe I ate that shit. I also had cornbread and fried potatoes. For dessert I ate a piece of cinnamon cake. I had help in getting back to my Room Lunch went right through me. I felt very sick and painfully constipated. Beans just do not agree with me. I’m glad I made it to my room before having a major accident.

I called Chocolatechip when I got back. She had a very busy morning in getting ready for the bed bug extermination. She swept and mopped the entire apartment among other things. Then she did laundry  Chocolateschip said she has her ducks in a row.

I should not of eaten those ham and pinto beans. Beans beans the musical fruit. The more you eat the more you toot! I will be tooting myself the rest of the day.

4:11p.m. I did a lot of reading in Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King. I also needed changed a lot thanks to eating ham and pinto beans for lunch. I received good care though. They put me to bed around two. I needed my briefs changed afterwards. I didn’t have long to wait so I wasn’t lying in poop. My morning was lousy but my afternoon was ok except for having the runs But I’m cleaned out now and feeling much better.

6:57p.m. I did a lot of reading in my NIV Study Bible. I read about ten chapters in Genesis. I have been reading my Bible every day for the last five days. I find that it helps with the depression. I e noticed that since I started reading the Bible I’m not as paranoid. I can be around people without fear of them gossiping about me. Today, for example, I stayed in the Fiesta Room three hours. I also ate lunch down there and I had a good time despite arthritis.

i had a delicious supper of Swedish meatballs with mashed potatoes and gravy. I a dish of fruit for desert. I ate everything and didn’t get too bloated or sick . It seems I’m getting my appetite back. 

I talked with Chocolatechip after supper. She is ready for the bed bug extermination tomorrow. Gordon is supposed to come between twelve and one o’clock. They want to do a thorough job this time and get to the root of the problem. The process will take three hours. Chocolatechip must leave her apartment while they are spraying. I’m so happy the Housing Authority is finially taken care of the problem

Chocolatechip also talked about her plans for the week. She wants to get cigarettes at the M&B Tuesday. Then she plans on taking the bus to Krogers. She is going to get that Amazon gift card. I think on the 7th it is a trip to Walmart. Friday I think is a free day. She plans on doing weekend baking. Then on Monday she plans on visiting me. I can’t wait to see her.

Again I said don’t worry about a gift card.  I repeated that I understand you are under a financial hardship because of the bed bugs. She repeated a $25 gift card is doable. I said ok. I already have two books picked out. She said her sister Kathleen will help her replace things that need to be pitched. I said I don’t want you to suffer. She said she will be ok and will have everything she needs plus money left over. We talked about other things then she wanted to get ready for bef
























































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December 4, 2023

Sounds like kind of a mixed day: Chocolate Chip is doing well, and your day, not so good. Well, there’s always tomorrow.