Monday 11/13/23

6:58a,m. The aide gave me a nice shower last night. It revived me and I was able to finish my book Wizard and Glass. I stayed up until eleven o’clock reading. I slept well with no weird dreams or arthritis pain. I was up when the aides came to get me out of bed by five. I fell asleep in my wheelchair and slept until 6:30.   

I called Chocolatschip. She was in good spirits. We talked about the bed bug problem. Chococolatechip said it is getting worse and worse. Nobody can tell her when they will spray her apartment. She said all she can do is keep up with the laundry and wash the bedding every day.  Chococolatechip also had a good night for a change. She said she was up by five as well.  We ended out talking when I got my orange juice and coffee.

There is nothing like coffee and oj in the morning. I love coffee and can drink it all day long. But I’m cutting down on the caffeine. In had five cups yesterday. I ended up peeing a river. I pee a lot anyways because of incontinence. But drinking so much coffee can’t help matters so I’m going to cut back.

I just had an apple cake and scrambled eggs for breakfast. Breakfast was ok. Thanks to a good meal and one cup of coffee I’m wide awake. I feel pretty good now and I think I’m going to have a great day.

9:33a.m. I am at the Coffee Social waiting for my extra ration of coffee. I sure could use a cup. My get up and go I wrote about earlier got up and went. Now I’m struggling to stay awake. Fortunately, I won’t have long to wait for that magical brew

I hope I can get with it. I’d like to get started on The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King. This is yet another book in the Dark Tower saga.  But it is also a stand alone book. It tells the story of Roland Deshane’s adventures when he first became a became a Gunslinger. I think this will be another great read.









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November 13, 2023

So glad to hear, Bear. I’m looking forward to a great day as well.