Monday 10/7/24

6:20a.m. l’m above the dirt. I had a decent night for a change. In my dreams Chocolatechip and I were getting it on hot and heavy. I had a hard on. It is nice to know I can still get it up. I even had a very nice aides. She took good care of me this morning. She got me cleaned up changed my briefs and in my wheelchair by 5:30. I wish all CNAs were like her.

I then talked with Chocolatechip. We had a nice conversation. We talked about her granddaughter Nina. She will be 27 this year. I remember when Nina was a baby I said. She looked just like Chocolatechip. I said I saw Chocolatechip holding Nina in the elevator one time. I never forgot that I said.

Chocolatechip talked to about crypto currency again. She hopes she is in the nursing home before it replaces read money. We are very retro. We like doing things the old fashioned way. We like going to the bank as opposed to having our money deposited on debit cards. Chocolatechip said a lot of people in Misery Towers do it that way. How do they get their rent paid? I asked.  Yes, we had a nice talk.

I got my coffee and orange juice. I hope I get a good breakfast. They have been serving scrambled eggs the last couple days. I’m not complaining but it would be nice to have something different.

7:48a.m. I had French toast and oatmeal for breakfast. Breakfast was delicious. Things are going pretty good this morning. They aide was great. I have clothes on instead of a hospital gown. I had my coffee and and oj plus a great breakfast.  Best part is the hoyer pad is not hurting. I think this is going to be a very good day.

I intend to do a lot of reading in my book The White House Years by Henry Kissinger. I read until 9:00 last night. I read about the politics behind the troop withdrawals from Vietnam and the process of Vietnamization. Kissinger writes about the difference of opinion over the schedule of withdrawing our troops. Some in the administration were skeptical that Vietnamization was working. But Kissinger wrote that was the official policy.

I was telling Chocolatechip I’m so glad I bought these Kissinger memoirs. I read them before some time ago. But they are still an interesting read. Think what you want about Henry Kissinger and Nixon. But in my humble opinion Kissinger was a brilliant writer. I’m really enjoying his work.

I have today’s menu already. For lunch they are serving garden harvest soup, egg salad sandwiches, potato salad,and watermelon. For dinner I’m having beef lasagna, tossed salad, garlic bread and caramel cake. You can’t beat these meals with a stick!

1:00p.m. I had a pretty good morning. I made it to the coffee social. They were very nice to me today. I read my book while drinking my coffee. I had one cup then left for my room. I talked with Chocolatechip for the longest time. She just got back from a Walmart trip. It was good to get out. It was good to come home. We had a nice chat for about an hour. Then she wanted to check her mail. I went back to the Fiesta Room for lunch.

I read more of my book while waiting for lunch. I was reading about the decision made by Nixon to attack North Vietnamese sanctuaries in Cambodia. Lunch was delicious. I had two egg salad sandwiches and vanilla pudding. I ate my lunch and quickly made my way back to my room before peeing myself.

I called Chocolatechip again. I said everyone is being nice to me today. She said good I wonder if they heard us talking I said. She said I hope it continues. Then she started talking about cookie recepies from The Joy of Cooking. I said I will never forget the big plate of cookies I used to get at Christmas time . She said she is going to buy a small turkey for Thanksgiving and cook it in the crockpot. That would be good I said. I said I tried cooking a turkey once but it didn’t come out good. We had a nice chat then she wanted to watch television.

1:52p.m. I’m in bed. I had two great CNAs to help me. This ruly is a very good day.

3:24p.m. I’m taking a break from my book. I am indulging in my second favorite pastime, looking at books. I hope I can save up $350 by April of 2025. I have my heart set on buying 26 books. I will never forget the rush I felt when I spent all that money on books last month. I felt like a spoiled rich kid at Christmas time. I desperately want to experience that hat feeling again.

I bought at least 18 books last month. I should have read most of them by next April. The books I will buy then will last a year. I can’t wait to get them. I may be crazy . I just love books

4:43p.m. An amazing thing happened to me just now. I peed myself and rang the call light. The aide answered right away. I said I needed my briefs changed Instead of saying wait a minute or gimme a minute she came into my room and  did an excellent job. This was her first day she said. I told her she did a great job in taking care of me. She thanked me for the compliment. I guess miracles do happen.

I was telling this to Chocolatechip. I said this is such a good day I hate to see it end. In also wondered why everyone was being so nice to me. Then I said you watch something bad is bound to happen I said. For whenever something good or nice happens something terrible comes along and ruins it.

I got my drinks for supper. I got a glass of fruit punch and coffee. The punch is very hot for some reason. I bet the coffee will be cold. I’m pretty lucky if this is the worse thing that could possibly happen.

6:47p.m. Supper was late. Instead of lasagna I got pork and roasted potatoes. It was still good. I called Chocolatechip. She must of gone to bed early. She was pretty tired the last time I talked. I miss our after dinner phone chats. I get so lonesome for her at night.

I had a great day. Like I said before I hate to see it end. I’m going to read my book tonight. I can’t get enough of Henry Kissinger. Life is good


k. y boo


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3 days ago

Hi! My name is Amaia. I only have a 30-day free trial, but it breaks my heart that you need to write here to express yourself. I’m young, but I’m leaving my email,, if you want to talk to someone. I’d be so glad if I received an answer




3 days ago

Hello my name is Alena. Thank you for sharing your day to day life with us – if you ever feel like you need to talk about anything at all – I’m here and I’m happy to talk here is my email

3 days ago

hi, i’m glad some people are reaching out for you