Monday 1/8/24

4:50a.m. I had a very nice aide last night. She took good care of me. I told her I wish all CNA’S were like you. They got me up too early but I was already awake. I was dressed and in my chair by 4:30.   

I stayed up late reading. I read three more chapters Deuteronomy and I finished that chapter in the Dark Tower. The nice aide pushed the bed over and plugged the tablet in the wall outlet. I read until 10:30 and fell asleep. I slept well with no weird dreams or nightmares.

Monday is starting out great. I hope I have a good day today 

9:58a.m. I’m royally pissed. I had a major accident during breakfast. I was sitting in urine soaked to the gills for over two hours. They fucking asshole of an aide knew of my condition. He walked on by after turning off the call light without asking if I needed anything. I was finially changed at 9:30. I missed the Coffee Social because of lousy aides.

So much for having a good day. I really am a bear without that extra coffee. I opted to stay in bed for the day. Sitting on that hoyer pad would have added to my misery. This means no pt either. I’m too mad for that as well. Fuckin aides!

At least I had a good breakfast. They served two egg and cheese sandwiches with a banana cupcake. The coffee was not very hot. That was another thing that put me in a bad mood, cold coffee. Then the coffee and juice went right through me. Sitting in urine since breakfast did not help matters.

11:30a.m. I’m in a much better mood. Lynn from PT stopped by. I told her what happened and I didn’t want to workout today. She went to the kitchen and brought back a fresh cup of coffee. She said drink your coffee and we can do therapy. I drank the coffee but I was a wimp today. I refused to go to the gym. 

The coffee did indeed put me in a better mood. But I was still upset over what happened. Not being able to control my bladder is humiliating. But it is absolutely degrading to sit in my own piss for almost two hours. I get so anxious, depressed and paranoid in addition to being mad as hell. The whole ordeal just ruined my day. I just wanted to stay on bef.

I must say I thought it very nice of Lynn to bring coffee. That meant so much. I said to her you treat me so nice. The coffee did a lot to restore my spirits. She did not have to do that and I greatly appreciated her kindness. I wish some of these aides were half as nice to me as the physical therapi

I hope to do some reading this afternoon. I’ve been reading Thei Dark Tower since the first of December. I’d like to finish that sucker. I still have always to go. Sometimes I wonder if I ever will finish it.

1:29p.m. I didn’t like lunch. They served beef macaroni and cheese, green beans,  a dinner roll and jello. I ate it all then got painfully bloated. I desperately needed a dose of  Mylanta. But it took from 12:30 to 1:30 for me to get see the nurse. I was in a lot of pain during that hour I finally saw the nurse and got some relief.

I’m not having a good day. I had yet another accident during lunch. Once again I’ll be lying in urine. I’m too tired and frustrated to do fight with the aides for help. So I’ll just lie in my own filth untill they decide to do their job

4:14 p.m. I slept for a couple hours. An aide woke me up and changed my briefs. This was close to 4:00. I’ve was laying in my own filth all afternoon. I don’t care how short staff they are there is no excuse for this treatment.


















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