Monday 1/22/24

7:01p.m. I fell asleep around 9:00 last night.. I had some weird dreams that woke me up a few times. I was changed twice one at 10:30 and a other at 2:00. Then the aides came around 4:00 to wake me up for good. They did a good job and were friendly. I was in my wheelchair by 4:30 .I promptly fell asleep. I swear I sleep better in the wheelchair than I do in bed. 

Chocolatechip called a few minutes ago. She talked to me for a few minutes I asked her not to call the ombudsman for lack of care and neglect Friday and Saturday.. I complained so many times was afraid they would place me out of the area. She was cool with my decision. She talked about  calling Charleston for a personal manner. Then suddenly she said she had to go.

I will be getting my drinks and beverages soon.  I can’t wait for my coffee and orange juice. I hope breakfast is good and the eggs not too cold.     

10:27illwa.m. I had four pieces of French toast for breakfast. It was very good. I started reading  The Firm after I started ate . Then I went to the Coffee Social. I had one cup while in the Fiesta Room. I read three chapters while I was there. The book is getting really good. John Grisham is another great author I love.I made my way back to my room. I called Chocolatechip but no answer. She was probably doing laundry.

1:20p.m. I slept a good bit this morning. I woke up around noon and waited for lunch. They served two sloppy joes corn and jello. I ate all my lunch and got very bloated. Chocolatechip called. She got a late start on her laundry. She found out her EBT will change in March. Charleston didn’t say if it went up or down . We figure it will go down because she got r raise this year.

I talked about trying to find out what I owe to the nursing home. The woman wasn’t available when I called twice. I said the last time they quoted $243.00. I think this was a couple months ago. If I’m right I should be paid up by March or April. Then I will get $50 a month. I hope and pray I can get in in B&N gift cards. Then I can subscribe to my beloved NYT and buy books.

 I keep saying the last thing I need is more books. I have 429 books in my B&N account and 200 some on my Amazon account. I read a good bit of these books but I will never read all of them in this lifetime. I keep thinking how I maxed out two credit cards buying all these books. Don’t ask me what I was thinking because I wasn’t using my head. Buying those books was os being interviewed the Firm just had twone of the dumbest things I ever did. And I did a lot of dumb shit in my life.

Speaking of books I started reading The Firm last night. So far I read the first five chapters. The Firm is about very powerful exclusive law firm. They are in deep with the Mob. They just recruited a recent graduate of Harvard, Mitchell McDeere. They made him an offer he could not refuse. The trouble is once he is in he can’t get out. While he was being recruited the Firm had two associates killed for talking to the FBI. 

I like John Grisham because he writes about the legal profession. I always dreamed of being a lawyer when younger. But I was just not smart enough. To this day I’m fascinated by stories about lawyers. Besides Stephen King I still like to read about the Constitution and politics. Oh well some dreams come true most do not. 

5:04p.m. I asked to be put to bed and have my briefs changed two hours ago. I am still in my wheelchair and still soaked. That asshole of an aide is on duty. I could be having a heart attack before getting any kind of help from him. I’m not mad because this is par for the course.  

Other than lack of care I’m having a good day. I read my book The Firm by John Grisham. I tread three chapters today so far. I’m at the part where they are bugging Mitchell McDeere”‘ house. Mitchell McDeere put in a very grueling first week. He was working for a very important high paying client. At one point he spent twenty-four hours in his office. Then then the from pays him back by bugging his house.

I also talked with Chocolatechip. She talked about having a video chat with her nurse practitioner tomorrow. So she decided to go to bed at five to get up at three. Also the Schhwaans truck is coming tomorrow. She plans on buying groceries from them . Then we talked about Dr. Phil. He is having catfish stories all week. We love to watch catfish stories on Dr Phil.  We talked for a few minutes then she went to bed.

6:16p.m. I had a delicious supper. I had two pieces of buttered fish fillet, broccoli, hash brown casserole, a dinner roll and a piece of Dutch Apple pie. I ate everything but the broccoli. I am stuffed to the gills.

I’m still in my wheelchair. I’ve been sitting on the hoyer pad for fourteen hours. I’m not mad though. It isn’t hurting as much for some reason. I desperately need changed but I’m used to sitting in urine I haven’t been changed since they got me up at 4:00am. They will get to me sometime tonight.

Despite this I had a good day. I was free of arthritis pain. I had three delicious meals. I talked with Chocolatechip. I read a lot and enjoyed my new book. I had plenty of coffee to drink.  Best of all I’m still above the dirt. This really was a good day indeed.    

7:54p.m. I’m finially in bed. The aide who put me to bed was the same girl who got me up this morning. She was great. She cleaned me up, put cream and powder on my butt and changed my briefs. She wanted to know if I asked before to be put to bed. I said around three. She said talk to the nurse the next time it happens. I said I complained about and complained it don’t do any good. She said do not give up. This one really seemed to care. She even got me a pitcher of water. 

I’m in bed now. I’m going to read one more chapters and call it a night. Life is good.










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January 22, 2024

That’s a very small thing to wish for: warm eggs! You are a man of simple tastes, Bear; I admire that.

January 22, 2024

@ravdiablo My dad always said I have a champagne appetite on a beer income