Monday 1/17/22

10:18pm I didn’t have the patience to mess with this thing  today. I was too tired I slept most of the time But I managed to do a bit reading ad well. I read the front page of the .New York Times. After supper I read my book Freedom From Fear. 

I had so so day. Like i said I slept through most of it. I had a hell of a nightmare about my mother. I was dreaming my dad het committed to Sharp . She was screaming and cussing constantly. I hated myfather has for doing this but it had to be done. She had to a mental break down. But his actions and my response broke up the family. 

Talked with Chocolatechip late in the afternoon She did a lot of work today. Chocolatechip got rid of the airbed that had bed bugs. Then she got all her medical info ready for the phone interview for the waver program.  It is tomorrow at one o’clock I think Chocolatechip sounded a lot better today. She is on the road to recovery from bronchitis. 

Well that’s about it for my day. I have eighesest more pages to go iny chapter then it’s bedtime



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