Monday 1/15/24

4:25a.m. I read a few more chapters in Judges last night. My favorite part was reading about Samson. I have two  ore chapters to go in that book. Then it is on to Ruth which is only four chapters long. I hope to finish that today. I stopped reading when I conked out at 9:00.      

I had a decent night for a change. I had this one dream where I moved into a low income high rise in Wheeling. There was something fishy about that place. I think it was connected to the Mafia. Anyways I they were trying to say something bad about George, director of Misery Towers. They wanted me to sign a paper against George but I wouldn’t  do it.

The building and apartments were not as nice as Misery Towers. Also the tenants blasted their music loud. Nothing was done about it. I’m not sure if I moved down there or not. I remember talking to Chocolatechip about it but I don’t think  she wanted to move.

The aides got me up very early at 3:00. I was given a nice hot shower and shave.  Then they took me back to my room got me dressed and in my wheelchair . I feel pretty good right now but wish I had some coffee.

I called Chocolatechip after the aides left. The exterminator is coming at 8:00. She got up early to get ready for him. Everything is done except for the laundry. She talked about all the things she did to get ready. She also said she has not seen any bed bugs sincek she stopped answering her door. Chocolatechip is hoping that he will clear her and not have to spray . I wished her good luck and we said our goodbyes. 

8:42a.m. I had a very skimpy breakfast of  scrambled eggs  and two slices of toast. At least the coffee was hot. I called Chocolatechip after I ate. She was going over her budget for February. It looks good she said.  Chocolatechip also said she might try to send me an t Amazon gift card next month. I said don’t worry about that , make sure you have everything you need.

We had to cut our conversation short. Lynn, from PT, came to get me. We had a short workout. They said I’m getting stronger. They also said I have until Wednesday. I said I will miss ss coming down. They took me to the Fiesta Room for the Coffee Social when I was finished. 

I’m doing ok this doing ok this morning As usual I have been doing a lot of sleeping.. Breakfast, coffee and the workout helped get me started. But I could use a couple more cups of coffee. I hope to get at least two cups at the Social.

1:01p.m. I didn’t last too long at the Coffee Social. It was pretty cold down there so I left after two coffees. I made my way back to my room and called Chocolatehip. The exterminator never came. She spent the morning doing laundry. She was saying two girls that looked like strippers or prostitutes got off the elevator. There was a guy with them who might of been their pimp. That’s the kind of shit that goes on in Misery Towers.

I read my book the Dark Tower. I read for an hour almost finishing a chapter. Then they served lunch. I ate two turkey burgers, coleslaw, pasta salad and I a piece of cake. Lunch was ok but I thought the turkey was dry. 

Once again I was complaining about lack of care. I said I’ve been trying to get changed since 10:00 this morning. I said when I first rang the call light an aide said she will be a minute. That was like two hours ago. I also said I’ll probably be sitting in my own filth all afternoon. 

We were wondering if they are that hard up for help. I said I don’t know. Sometimes I think the CNA’S run the show. Chocolatechip said they definitely need a float. I suggested that I said. I was told they can’t get the help. All I know for sure is I sit in my own filth half the day.

I am in bed now. The aides came around 1:30. I needed cleaned up but they didn’t do a good job. I asked if she could put cream on my butt and thighs. She didn’t do that either. I sure am getting very shitty care today!


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