Friday 9/22/23

4:44a.m. I had a few strange dreams last night. I dreamt I met this woman who lived in Pittsburgh. She kept  me as her lover and servant. I was also dreaming about Wheeling . I was walking around downtown Wheeling looking for a bookstores All the old stores were gone. It was kind of weird. 

Aide got me up at 4:30 today. He woke me up from a nice dream about the woman. We were about to have sex.Damn,I can’t get any even in my dreams. Anyway, he did a good job in getting me out of bed. Ut this was the first time I was changed since eight last night. 

7:55a.m.  I talked with Chococolatechip. She went back to smoking. Nicotine is a hard habit to break. Seventeen days is a long time to go without a smoke.  I couldn’t of lasted that long. I said I was sorry but understood.Nicotine is a very heavy monkey on your back.  

I just had my breakfast. They served two slices of French toast It was ok I had apple juice and coffee for dessert. I was pretty sleepy but I’m above the dirt  now. I’m faced  with another day in the nursing home. 

10:27a.m. I have been sleeping a lot this morning. I woke up a few minutes ago. I went to the nurse’s station.An aide hooked me up to my oxygen tank. She took me to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social. I can’t wait for the extra coffee . I sure need a cup right now.

I haven’t been changed since 4:30 this morning. It is impossible to get any kind of help before the coffee social. So I give up ringing my call light. Aides do not answer it anyway. Or, they turn it off and walk away. I just get tired of fighting a losing battle. I’m pretty uncomfortable but I will not get changed until late in the afternoon. 

Just got my first coffee. I’m in a foul mood this morning. I hope the coffee cheers me up and gets me going. It usually does but I really need an extra caffeine jolt today.  

1:05p.m. I didn’t like like lunch. I had BBQ chicken and scalloped potatoes. The chicken was dry and the potatoes were cold. They also served spinach. I hate spinach so I didn’t eat that. I filled up on coffee and chocolate milk.

I’m very worried about Chococolatechip. We usually chat while I’m at the social. She didn’t contact me today. I called her when I got back to my room but no answer. Chococolatechip sounded depressed when we talked earlier. She said she was ok just having a little cold. But I thought she sounded a bit off kilter. Now I don’t hear from her at all.. I’m thinking she ended up in the hospital. 

Wet briefs and worry didn’t stop me from reading. I read three chapters in The Talisman while at the social. This makes the 44 straight days of reading. I intend to read more today provided I hear from  Chococolatechip and get changed.

I’m soaked and very uncomfortable. It is a waste of time to ring the call light. All the aides are busy with lunch trays. In the meantime I have to sit in urine for at least an hour. It hurts like hell around my private areas thanks to dried urine . Lack of care and not hearing from Chococolatechip are bringing on a major meltdown.

2:33p.m. I’m changed and in bed for the day. It has been ten hours since I was last changed. But I’m dry at last! I’m dry at last! Thank God Almighty I’m dry at last. I feel a lot better.

I would feel up to par if I hear from Chococolatechip. She called but I couldn’t answer the phone. I was getting changed. I returned her call on her cell and land line but no answer. This is so unlike her. I’m afraid something is very wrong.

I’m going to try and put this out of my head for a while. Dwelling and worrying will not help matters. It will only make me sick. Chances are she is ok, just very busy. Perhaps she decided to spend the day at the Senior Center or library. I always think the worse when something goes out of schedule. Nine times out of ten nothing really bad happens. I’m going to try and concentrate on my book. 

3:51p.m. Chococolatechip called. She just got home after spending five hours in the ER. SHe took the ambulance up around 9:30. She was experiencing chest pains. Chococolatechip said they did a thorough work up and determined it was not her heart. Thank God! She got out at 2:30 but had to wait a long time for they bus. She said they treated her well and the doctor was nice He prescribed some kind of pain medication. I don’t think she is eager to get it filled. We talked for a while and then she wanted to get something to eat.

I’m so glad to hear from Chococolatechip. I knew ,just new, she went to the hospital. I’m glad the pain was not related to her heart.She is going to be ok. Thank you God! 

6:23p.m. Supper was cheesy. I had a turkey with cheese sandwich and a cup of mixed fruit. That little bit made me very bloated. Stomach pain is a three on my one to five pain scale. Like clockwork I urinate like crazy. I need changed but I doubt I’ll get changed tonight. 

I talked with Chococolatechip after I ate. She was in good spirits. She said she wanted another computer but doesn’t know how to pay for it. I suggested Rent a Center  She said you end up paying through the nose. Then I said Kathleen might buy you one. She said that would be too much to ask.

We talked for about a half hour. She mentioned one of her favorite movies Coal Miner’s Daughter with Cissy Spacek and Tommy Lee Jones. We watched that movie a million times. Chococolatechip knows every line.  We were reciting lines together laughing and having a good old time. It was good to hear her laugh. 

Well today is coming to a close. Despite being sick and laying in urine I want to read. I’ll read until the battery runs low. I’m at a good part in the story. I just have to get through one more chapter. 

8:20p.m. I spent the last ninety minutes reading The Talisman. I read a total of six chapters today I am still not satisfied. The more I learn of the plot the more I want to keep reading. The last chapter I read was really very gruesome and scarry. But I can’t stop now. I got to read more.

It is getting late. I should be calling it a night. But I’m so addicted to this damned book I can’t stop. I’ll read just one more chapters and call it a night, just one more chapter 




















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