Friday 7/12/24

10:41a.m. I had a good night with no nightmares. I also received good care. I was changed at least three times during the night. Wake up call was 6:30. I talked with Chocolatechip until they served drinks and breakfast. I had b. iscuits and gravy which is one of my favorites. I laid in bed until nine. The aides got me cleaned upf, dressed an in my wheelchair . 

Lynn from physical therapy came for me and took me to the gym. We got to talking about things. I found out she was married twice and is a grandmother. I said you don’t look old enough to be a grandma. I told her I have a granddaughter I never saw and that. Y family disowned me. Then I said the feeling was mutual. Other than that we had a pleasant conversation. 

I went through the usual workout. We did arm exercises. I then worked with the hand grips. I did three sets of thirty with the hand grips. Then I worked with the flex bar which is hard to use . After that I’m was done. As Lynn took me to the Fiesta Room for the coffee social I said I thought I had a good workout.   

I had a good time at the Coffee Social. I had two cups . That finially perked me up . I didn’t hear anyone talking about me. Nor did I run into Doug  I just had my coffee and made my way back to my room.   

1:49p.m. I spent the rest of the morning downloading the Barnes and Noble app and recovering my old account. I was hoping to get a monthly subscription to take he New York Times for $19.90 or $238.88 yearly. I do not think that will pan out though. I doubt if t nursing home will go for it. Bummer. I love that newspaper. But it is one of many things I lost since I came to this place.    

Oh well at least I had a delicious lunch. I had a bowl of corn chowder, two fish sandwiches, potato wedges and vanilla ice cream. I talked with Chocolatechip. She is doing very well these days. Chocolatechip was outside at the gazebo socializing. I was glad to see her get out and talk to some people. She said she finially cleared up the nasty rumor that she was a narc of the building. That was good I said.

Chocolatechip also talked about Rose Pest Control. They sprayed her apartment this morning. She said her apartment was spotless. The exterminator gave her a good report. . They sprayed for roaches. Misery Towers has a problem with  roaches and they are coming from someplace else . The exterminator said Chocolatechip is spotless.

I talked about eating lunch in my room. I said I think it is for the best. She agreed. She asked if I was going to the Coral Room this afternoon. I said probably not. I’m ready to be put to bed. I’m kind of tired and need my briefs changed. I don’t like to leave my room smelling like poop or urine.

4:23p.m. The aides put me in bed about an hour ago. I was glad to get off the hoyer pad. Also, some anonymous donor gave me a years subscription to the NYT newsletter. Than you. I spent most of the afternoon setting up the news I want to get. Then I read a story about President Biden. 

I think he is in real trouble. The Democrats in Congress are turning against him. They are afraid that once time safe states might be flipped. They are claiming he is way too old. Unfortunately Biden did make an embarrassing gaff during his news conference according to the story. He refered to VP Harris ad Vice President Trump.   

I think it is sad that people are ganging up on Biden. Instead or f dumping him the Dems should be standing behind him. I truly believe Biden is the only chance we have of beating Trump. Only Biden has the experience and name recognition to defeat Trump. Who else can replace the President? 

I was also talking with Chocolatechip.  We had a nice chat forty minutes. She filled me in on all the latest gossip in Misery Towers. This interests me more than politics. Anyways now that the Bitch Clique is busted up people are more friendly when she goes outside. Chocolatechip also said that Jenn is on the hot seat. Also. Jenn started the rumor about Chocolatechip being a narc

I said it doesn’t surprise me. Jenn is a backstabber. I also said to keep up your guard. I bet another clique will start up and you will be on the outs. She said I hope a clique doesn’t start up because I’m always left out in the cold. I never did trust anyone in Misery Towers . Then I asked why I have such animosity towards those people. She said probably because they treated me like shit. We had a nice talk then she wanted to check her mail.

I can’t wait for supper. They are serving meatloaf, glazed carrots, Lyonnaise potatoes, a dinner roll and a mixed fruit cup. I love meatloaf.

6:26p.m. I ate all my supper. It was delicious. I talked with Chocolatechip. She just got back from outside. No major new gossip from Misery Towers. She asked if I saw Doug today. I said no, thank God. She asked of I got out of my room. I said no. I was just as happy staying in I said. We had a nice talk for a half hour then she wanted to go to ed. 

I intend to read my book Camino Ghosts by John Grisham tonight. Again I got busy with other things today. I read from my NYT news letter I also was busy getting that set up and downloading the Nook app.Then I talked a lot with Chocolatechip. Nighttime is the best time for me to read my books. 

9:09p.m. I didn’t read tonight. Chocolatechip called. She couldn’t sleep so we ended up talking a long time. We spent at least an hour on the phone. I was telling her about the latest story I read. The case against Alec  Baldwin was dismissed. The state did not turn over crucial evidence  to the  defense. I also read where Republicans are having a field day over Democratic disunity. Then I said I read where major donors are withholding $90 million I.ampaign contributions. It wouldn’t surprise me if Biden is forced out of the race I said. 

We talked a lot about different things. She brought up about her past. She wondered why she thought about her past so much. I said I think it is only natural when you get older. I think about mine a lot and get depressed.  We talked about some of the things I did. Then I said there is no point in dwelling on our pasts. After all what is done is done We talked a lot until she got tired and went back to bed.    

Then I got to thinking about the New York Times. I love that paper. In addition to getting the newsletter I decided to get s monthly subscription for $19.99 a month. This way I can get the complete paper. I will have to wait until next month. But this has been going round and round in my head. This is another reason why I couldn’t concentrate on my book.decisions decisions














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