Friday 6/7/ 24

7:20a.m. Once again I had a bad night thanks to nightmares. I had this one dream where civilization collapsed. I was in this group of rag tah survivors. We were roaming across the land just trying to survive. I had other dreams but this one stands out. 

I was up for good by six. I had my morning drinks already. The juice was cold and the coffee hot. So I’m above above the dirt. Actually, I’m not feeling too bad. I’m not bothered by arthritis pain. I could use another cup of coffee. But hopefully, I will be able to go to the coffee social today.    

10:56a.m. I had an egg sandwich for breakfast. I stayed in bed until the coffee social. He got me ready just in time. Then he pushed me to the Fiesta Room. I was drinking my coffee when Darla from physical therapy came. She took me to the gym. I thought I did a bang up job today. They must of given me an extra happy pill this morning. I felt great at the gym and did all my exercises in record time. I don’t have to go back until Monday.     

I called Chocolatechip when I got back in my room. She had a run in with Patty. Patty was one of the girls who got evicted. Patty went on a rant against George. She said George was completely unfair. Chocolatechip said Patty tried to drag her into her drama. Chocolatechip doesn’t want any part of it. I said I don’t blame you one bit. But she did tell Patty that if you are on psych meds you have to take them if you want to stay at Misery Towers Patty didn’t want to hear of it.     

We talked about other things as well. Chocolatechip said Eddie the Mooch got some kind of ultimatum. He has so many days to clean up his act then he is out So I guess he will be number four who got the ax. I asked when the next inspection is. Since she passed hers won’t be for three months. It is the questionable ones that have it every month We talked until she had to take care of lunch. 

I have today’s menu. For lunch they are serving  bruschetta chicken, rice pilaf, cucumber salad, a dinner roll and sliced peaches. For dinner it’s lemon pepper fish, broccoli florets, red bliss potatoes and a lemon blueberry cake. I’m kind of hungry I can’t wait. 

12:55p.m.Lunch was pretty good. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. She heard two more people got eviction notices. The Housing Authority must be cracking down. Never have so many people been evicted after an inspection. I said I probably would of failed. I just got to the point where I couldn’t take care of myself. 

I was also telling Chocolatechip this is National Donut Day, according to today’s activity sheet. I’ve been craving a good donut. They are passing them out in the Fiesta Room at 2:00. I  am going down I said. Maybe I might be able to sweet talk them into giving me an extra donut. Chocolatechip thought that was funny. We talked until they served lunch.    

2:31p.m. I made it to the Fiesta Room for m doughnut. I only had on it was delicious.  They had a lot of people celebrating National Doughnut Day. The Fiesta Room was filled. I called Chocolatechip when I got back. A couple girls who got evicted went to the office and told off George, according to Chocolatechip. She watching a movie so we didn’t talk very long.Chocolatechip thought that was terrible. I agreed I said he gave everyone a three week notice to get ready. If they didn’t get ready in time it’s their own fault. 

I’m going to start reading Landscape Turned Red by Stephen W Sears. Got to finish Chapter 8 today and study for the Big test.

4:25p.m. I’m in bed now. Aide got me after trying to get help for an hour. I was soaked down below and I needed my briefs changed. I was just starting to get upset but he came in time. I talked with Chocolatechip. Big topic of conversation in Misery Towers is who got evicted. Chocolatechip said nobody seems to know the identify of number five. We think it might be Eddie the Mooch  I saiid everything will come out eventually.

I was having trouble with my Kindle app. It wasn’t responding then it would shut down. I thought I could fix it by uninstalling it then downloading it again. First I changed my Amazon password and that took several tries. Then I downloaded the app. I’m still having the same problem. I’ve been fooling around with that for some time and it still isn’t working. Thank God I have a Kindle Paperwhite. It is far more reliable than the app.

Speaking of my Kindle I have 221 books. I read 55 of them so far. That seems like a lot but there is no such thing as having too many books. I just cannot get enough books.! I’m buying at least three, maybe five more when I get my $50 Amazon gift card next week. I’m a hopeless book addict.

6:23p.m. My supper wasn’t anything o write home about. But I ate it  and didn’t get sick. I talked with Chocolatechip after I ate. We talked about inspection and this Patty person who was evicted. Chocolatechip said she wouldn’t want to be in her shoes. I agree but it was her own fault I said. Chocolatechip also said Patty might end up in a Wheeling homeless shelter. 

Then we talked about Eddie the Mooch. She heard he gives away a lot of food he cooks. Oh Really? I bet half the food Eddie gets comes from Chocolatechip . I said he has absolutely no business bumming from you. She agreed. He gets a damned check and works under the table as a roofer. I said I bet he has all kinds of money coming in. Anyways we both suspect that  Eddie just might be number five on the eviction list.  

We talked about other things as well. Chocolatechip said she heard on the news that this is the last night for Wheel of Fortune. That show has been aired on Channel 9 at 7:30 since forever. I never got into that show too much but it will be the end of an era.. 

One last thing. I’m just about fed up with that Kindle app on my tablet. I’m thinking about deleting it . It doesn’t work right and is just taking up space. I thought it was a good idea to have the app in case something happens to the Kindle. But if it doesn’t work right why keep it?




























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June 7, 2024

Sounds like a very interesting day, Bear. Again, the food at your place sounds really good.