Friday 6/21/24

12:07a.m It is Friday. I’m still awake. I’m so wound up over that stupid book Team of Rivals. I might just end up pulling an all nighter.  I’m almost finished with it so I might as well stay up. I won’t rest until I’m done with it. It is so damned good! I got to find out how it ends.  

This reminds me of a true story. I was married a long time ago. It was a big mistake because I didn’t get along with her. Anyways, I loved to read about American history,j particularly about the Civil War. One night I was reading a book about the Civil War. My ex wife Debbie hated to see me spend my time like that. She said to me “The North won,” in a very loud voice. Be I still think this was funny.    

I know how the boo ends. But I’m still fascinated by that era in history. Team of Rivals is a wonderful book on that era. I cannot s. peak highly enough of Doris Kearns Goodwin. She is a wonderful author and historian. 

God help me I’m going back to my book.    

1:49p.m. I stayed up until 1:30a.m. listening to my audiobook Team of Rivals. I finished listening to Chapter 25. I have tthwo more to go and then it’s time for Stephen King . I slept until breakfast. I had some wild sex dreams. I was dreaming I had sex with Chocolatechip  and another woman at the same time. Then the aides woke me up for breakfast. I had a coffee cake bacon and scrambled eggs.  

I fell asleep after breakfast. I slept in almost all !orning. So once again I missed the coffee social. The aides woke me up at 10:30. They got me dressed and my wheelchair. Then Culleen from physical therapy came for me. I didn’t want to go but she took me to the gym.   

I had a good workout despite being half dead. I did my leg exercises. This time it was three sets of twenty. I did marching, side to side, kicking and ankle exercises. Then I worked with Lynn. We worked on strengthening my left arm. That hurt like hell But we got her done. The entire routine took almost an hour. Then Lynn wheeled me back to my room.

I got back just in time for noon day coffee. I called Chocolatechip. She had an appointment with CMP for an Aristrada injection. She just got back. We talked about different subjects until they served lunch. Lunch consisted of two fish sandwiches, potato wedges, corn chowder, and a blueberry bar. It was delicious and I ate it all.

I called Chocolatechip after lunch. She was watching Channel 9 news. We talked about an hour. One thing we talked talked about was the visit on Monday. I said they would like to meet you in PT. She said sure. She wants to bring a deck of cards down. We like to play 500 Rum. She said she is in a baking  mood this afternoon. She wants to make a batch of brownies. I said that would be good. We talked until she wanted to get something to eat

6:37p.m. The aides put me in bed at 3:30p.m. I listened to my audiobook Team of Rivals . I’m almost finished with it. Then I called Chocolatechip. We talked until they served supper. We had a nice talk for half an hour and she seemed in good spirits. Then I had meatloaf, lyonnaise potatoes, carrots and a fruit cup Supper was delicious.

I called Chocolatechip after I ate. Her mood went on a downward spiral. We didn’t have much to say. That is the nature of bipolar depression. You could be riding high one minute then suddenly crash and crash hard. I feel so bad for Chocolatechip when she is down. I also feel so helpless.

Like I said we didn’t have much to say. She sent me an email. I read it and I think something happened outside that triggered her depression. People out there were not very friendly. She was also worried that maintenance did not finish a work order she put in two weeks ago.

I responded. I tried to write an encouraging reply. I said you are a very strong woman and I have an enormous amount of respect for you. I also said you have always been a class act and will always love you. I hope my small efforts were helpful.

9:05p.m. I finished Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. It was a great book . I gave it a five star rating. This makes the 19th book I read this year. My goal is 30 books. Next up is You Like it Darker by Stephen King. I’ll start that tomorrow













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June 21, 2024

Makes me smile to know how much you love books.  It sounds like your current book is fantastic!  Did you stay up and read?  Did you finish the book?

June 22, 2024

You finished your book!  Way to go!