Friday 6/2/23

10:57a.m. I was doing great until they woke me up. I didn’t get out of bed until after breakfast. I couldn’t reach my food and spilled my drinks all over the place. Not getting breakfast or coffee put me in a very foul mood. Finially they dressed me at nine then got me into my wheelchair.

I’m at the coffee social now. I’m had my first cup of the day plus a donut. I’m feeling somewhat better thanks to the caffeine and sugar fix. But I’m still in a very shitty mood.

12:38p.m. I couldn’t eat lunch. I was bloated from a donut and two coffees. For some reason it just didn’t appeal to me. The coffee put me in a better mood. I hope the rest of the day will be better.

3:40p.m. I slept for a couple hours this afternoon. I got the aides to put me back in bed. I am down for the day. I think I’m recovering from Yesterday. All I wanted to do was to sleep and now I’m in bed. 

6:28p.m. I didn’t eat supper either. I was in bed and I just cannot eat in bed. I talked with Chocolatechip for about an hour. Then they c and in to change my briefs. We said our goodnigts.

This was a very shitty day. I hope tomorrow will be better







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June 3, 2023

You didn’t eat much of anything.  I’m sorry you had such a bad day.  Today will be better…has to.