Friday 5/24/24

2:55a.m. I’m having a very bad day. First, I had a crazy night thanks to very bad dreams. I was up for good by seven. At least breakfast was good. They served a coffee cake, bacon and scrambled eggs. The coffee was good and hot. But I fell back asleep after breakfast. The aides kept me in bed until 11:30 so I missed the coffee social.

I made my way to the Fiesta Room after they got me in my wheelchair. They served a salad, a slice of cheese pizza and a cup of fruit. Then the second thing went wrong. I had a major incontinence episode. I was so embarrassed because I was soaked in front of all those people. I made my way back to my room.

I tried to write today’s entry. I lost two entries. Then then the aides wanted to change me. They turned out to be very incompetent and/or lazy. But after much screaming and yelling I’m in bed and dry. Today was very bad indeed.

At least Chocolatechip had a good day. She had a doctor appointment at CMP this morning. That went well she said. Then she went shopping at Krogers for a few groceries and cleaning supplies. She took a bus to Krogers. She was on the go all day. Then it was time to do the laundry.

Chocolatechip was telling me she is ready for inspection on June 6 except for the bathroom. She will work on that this weekend. Still, she is going over everything again. Chocolatechip said she will work at it until the big showdown.

This is my third try today. I may not be the smartest guy in town but I don’t give up. I failed at many things in life. But I picked myself up and tried, tried again.

4:57p.m. I tried to read this afternoon but was too upset. I listened to my favorite music on YouTube. I feel a lot better thanks to Celtic Women, Johnny Cash, Jimmy Dean and Tennessee Ernie Ford. There is nothing like music to revive snagging spirits.

They are serving supper soon. Tonight I’m getting BBQ chicken, seasoned spinach, scalloped potatoes and angel food cake. I refuse to eat the spinach.

6:29p.m. I ate my super and it was delicious, except for the spinach. Sorry Popeye I hates me spinach.  Chocolatechip called after supper. She was outside listening to Jenn go on a rant about people. We were saying she must be in a bad mood. It is the end of the month and nobody has money to party. We also talked about her groceries. Chocolatechip has frozen meals for four days. She has other stuff to rely on until she gets her check. But she is running low on food at the end of the month. We talked for a half hour then she went to bed.

I’m in a pretty good mood now I had a decent supper except for the spinach. Music therapy and talking to Chocolatechip also helped. Now I hope I can concentrate on To the Gates of Richmond by Stephen W Sears. I got to study for the BIG test at West Liberty. Sometimes I wish I was back in West Lib oh those were the days.

Now I’m watching NBC news. They just had a story about seniors facing eviction. The story said more and more seniors are homeless. I’m glad Chocolatechip doesn’t have to worry about that problem. We are both lucky in that respect.



















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May 24, 2024

I know how you feel. Glad to hear from you today, Bear.

May 24, 2024

@ravdiablo  nice to hear from you my friend