Friday 4/22/22
7:47am . I had some nightmares last night. I’m not sure if this was real or a dream. I was driving along route 2 in Follansbee. I noticed the old McDonald’s restaurant was burned down. There was a pile of rubble where the store used to be. I also noticed the JoJon and the Dairy Owl were also no longer there. Also had a dream about a mother wanting to curl her son’s long hair. The father was against it and very upset. They were fighting over it. I had a few nightmares and woke up screaming a couple of times. Other than the dreams I had a fairly decent night. Aids put me to bed at 11:30.
I was kind of groggy and tired. But I stayed up until breakfast. I had pancakes, scrambled eggs and hot cereal. Also had oj and hot coffee. Breakfast was good and I ate it all. It perked me up and I’m ready to face the day.
Chocolatechip called after I ate. She was in fairly good spirits. Nobody knocked on her door and that was a good thing. She was supposed to go to physical therapy but cancelled. She just wasn’t up to going. We also talked about her caregiver. This one guy in the bldg,Mike, was asking questions. Chocolatechip said that she doesn’t care if the worker talks to other tenants. Just do not talk about me she said.
10:01am I just got back from physical therapy. It went well. I did all my exercises. I only had to stand once for four minutes. I went through the same leg exercises. Then they worked with my arms. I had to wave around this metal baton. I like going down there. It gets me out of my room. I was there for about an hour.
Well, it is almost the end of the month. This means working on budgets which means picking out books for next month. I was book browsing on my Kindle App. I picked out eighteen so far. These are:
Stephen King
- The Shining. $ 9.99
- Lisey’s Story. $12.99
- The Green Mile. $ 3.99
- Gwendy’s Button Box. $. 9.99
- Sleeping Beauties. $. 7.99
- Dr Sleep. $9.99
David Baldacci Dream Town $14.99
Kim Fredrickson
The power of Self Talk $1.99
John Meacham
Thomas Jefferson Art of Power. $16.99
Houston Smith
Beyond the Post Modern Mind. $14.99
Thomas Moore
- The Soul of Christmas. $9.99
- Gospel: The Book of Luke. $19.99
Peter Irons
- A People’s History of the Supreme Court. $13.99
- The Courage of their Convictions. $13..99
Viktor Frankl
- Man’s Search For Meaning. $9.99
- Yes to Life. $9.99
Harold S Kushner
- Living a Life that Matters. $10.99
- The Book of Job. $12.99. ss
James Hillman
- The souls Code $9.99
- A terrible love of War. $12.99
- The Force of Character. 10.99
I added more to the list. I hope to buy twenty-two books for a total of $239.79. SS check is $871.00 Subtract $52 from online purchases leaves $819 Rent is $481. This leaves $338.00. subtract $239.79 leaves around &98. This list should be doable.
9:30pm This turned out to be a good day. I did a lot of reading this afternoon. I read one chapter in my book. FDR: Soldier of Freedom by James MacGregor Burns. I am really enjoying this account of Roosevelt as a war President. I was Hable to concentrate and tried to get a lot from this chapter.
I read until suppertime. I had a forgettable supper of grilled chicken sandwich, mixed vegetables, two cups of coffee and a fruit punch. I talked to Chocolatechip after I ate. We chatted briefly on messenger She was telling me that a former friend of ours ,Michelle is in a nursing home. She was talking to this Gary guy on the bus. He used to date her Chocolatechip does not know much about her condition.
I heard this and I got to thinking all of us are getting older. We talked about all the people from OT who ended up in the Home. There is me, Tim, Norman, Rick, Alice Price to name a few. I was thinking how sad and no w things of changed. I guess we all have an allotted amount of time and that is it. We were going on about how we are all getting older and older with each passing day. Soon we will be no more.
We didn’t chat very long. it was after six and Chocolatechip was getting sleepy. She said she had been up since five. It was 5:30 for me. I was not sleepy. I was kind of wired because I finished drinking two cups of coffee. I went back to my book after we ended our chat and finished that chapter.
Then I did more browsing on !y Amazon Kindle app. I found two more books about Steubenville, the town across the Ohio river. These books were written by a local author Susan M Guy. One is The Moonlight Mill Murders of Steubenville, Ohio for $12.99. The second is Mobsters, Madams and Murders in Steubenville,Ohio. I read this one before. It is about Steubenville during Prohibition when the Mafia ran the town.
So far that makes twenty-four books for May. I was getting high just thinking about all these books. I was going on so many books to buy and not nearly enough time and money. If it weren’t for the fact that I pay rent to the Home I would spend all my money on books. Books are my passion and I will go to my grave saying “There is no such thing as too many books!”
Twelve more days and I will be able to get my books. I’m counting down the days.
I didn’t realize Stephen King wrote The Green Mile…I love that movie. Maybe I will read the book.
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