Friday 2/9/24

8:01a.m. I had yet another crazy dream last night. In this dream I was a VISTA volunteer. I was assigned to a literacy council. We had a meeting in this library. There were the officers of the council with all the tutors. I had to make up a complicated chart of the tutors. With their assigned, students. This chart included the addresses of the tutors and the students plus the milage the tutors incurred while on business. 

It was rather hard organizing all this data. I had a lot of trouble doing this job. But it had to be done quickly because I had to present the information before the board of directors. I got very frustrated because I couldn’t get it done in time. I ended up screwing up. I’m not sure what happened because the aides woke me up.

I received good care last night. The aides came in to change me at least three times. Then they got me up around 4:30. I got a nice sponge bath then they changed my briefs and got me dressed.  I was in my wheelchair by 5:00.         

I was still very sleepy.  I slept in my chair for ninety minutes. Then I called Chocolatechip. We talked until they served breakfast. I ate sausage paddies, scrambled eggs, toast and oatmeal. Breakfast was good. With a good meal and hot coffee I feel I’m off to a great start.

10:40a.m. I just got back from the coffee social. I had two cups. It was cold so I made my way back to my room. I called Chocolatechip. She just got back from going to the post office. Chocolatechip said things are looking good for her. She returned that cell phone from Comcast. She returned those books to SCI.She got her bills paid, groceries and has money left over. Once she hears from Comcast she is deleting the Internet from her package.

I feel very sick. I’m very congested and have been coughing up a lot of mucus. Chocolatechip wants me to go to the er. I don’t want to go to the er. This cold or bug will work itself out.       

3:34p.m. I had a miserable afternoon. First, my phone died. The plug came lose. I managed to put it back in but it still wouldn’t work. I couldn’t get any help from the aides or the nurse.i truck unplugging it from the wall outlet but it was out of reach. If this wasn’t bad enough my briefs were pressing against my balls. I was also sitting in urine and feces all afternoon. I didn’t get out to bed until 3:00.    

I had that male asshole of an aide yelled at e asshole for an aide. He yelled at me for pressing the call light a second time. He said I need to have patience because he is the only aide on the floor. That is all well and good but I’m sitting in poop and in excruciating pain to boot. If the situation were reversed I’m sure he would be screaming his fool head off God I was pissed and had a very major meltdown. 

I’m in bed at last. Thank God almighty I’m in bed at last!I’m also pain free. It is such a frigging relief. I feel so much better but I was one miserable old fart.      

5:24p.m. I calmed myself down by reading Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. I also chatted with Chocolatechip. She had a bad time in Bible Study. Chocolatechip broke down and cried because she is shunned by other women in the building. S be she said she probably won’t go back. I tried to be supportive. I said women in that  place are all miserable bitches.

We chatted about other things. There is this woman in Misery Towers who had a one night stand. It now the talk of the building and she is shunned. This lady was talking to Chocolatechip. The lady hates it there apnd is isolating herself. I said why do they always look down on women for having sex? Nobody in that hellhole is a virgin.

I do not know what to do without a phone. Part of my daily routine is talking with Chocolateschip before she goes to bed. I hope she contacts me on Messenger one more time tonight.

7:46p.m. I’ve been reading Midnight in Washington by Adam Schiff. I finished one long chapter. This would of put  me in a good mood except I’m laying in urine and feces An aide was just in my room . I said I need changed. She turned off the call light and left without saying a word. It is shit like this that pissed me off. This truly was a lousy day.

I take back that last paragraph. She came back and changed me. She did a good job.



























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February 9, 2024

Were you a Vista volunteer, Bear? Because I can’t imagine you could dream about something with that much detail unless you lived it in some way.

February 9, 2024

@ravdiablo I was a VISTA volunteer for an adult literacy council way back in 1990

February 9, 2024

@bear70 That is very, very cool. I worked for Vista one summer in Providence working with young teens on a gardening project.