Friday 2/23/24

7:49a.m. I slept well last night with no weird dreams or arthritis pain.  I fell asleep around 8:30. I received good care. The aide came in to change my briefs at least three times. They got me up and in my wheelchair by five. I slept in my chair for an hour or so. Then I called Chocolatechip.

Chocolatechip was in good spirits despite having a bad night. She complained about having nightmares. She also heard a few people yelling and cussing outside her door. Chocolatechip said she is going to have a busy day. She has laundry in the morning and a med delivery in the afternoon. Also Schhwaans is supposed to stop by. Chocolatechip said she would like to place a food order but they wouldn’t give her a time frame. I said that is no way to do business. She is not going to wait around for them.

We also talked about the upcoming inspection. It should be around the end of March or the first week of April. Chocolatechip wants to stock up on cleaning supplies. That comes before everything else she said. She also wants to get ready for it so she doesn’t have to rush at the last minute. Her apartment is in good shape but the floor needs a good mopping.

I said I always did a lousy job for inspection. I’ll never forget one tear i busted my butt getting ready for it. George comes in looks around a d yells “You call this clean!” Chocolatechip said not only does it have to be clean but it has to be neat and orderly. I always did a good job cleaning but being neat and orderly was never a strong point. Towards the end I was passing inspections she said. Then i developed major physical limitations and ended up in the nursing home.

We talked for awhile then she wanted to get busy. I soon had my coffee and juice which hit the spot. Breakfast was delicious. They served a big plate of French toast and oatmeal. I got filled up on the French toast so I couldn’t eat the cereal.

I’m having a good day so far. It is almost time for the coffee social. I could use a second cup of coffee. So I will be taking my Kindle and making my way to the Fiesta Room. Life is good.

12:18p.m. I had a good time at the Coffee Social. I had two cups. But this time the caffeine didn’t phase me one bit. I felt so sleepy. It was a struggle to stay awake. So I made my way back to my room. I talked with Chocolatechip when I got back. We talked along time about Misery Towers. She said they keep the front door locked now because homeless people are coming into the building. I said that place seems to be a magnate for the homeless and scumbags of Weirton. She agreed We talked for awhile then she wanted to eat lunch.

I’m  not sure what I’m having for lunch. They are calling it Spanish Frittata. I never heard of it so I hope it’s good. They are also serving a salad and a dinner roll. For supper I’m getting beef stuffed cabbage, broccoli florets a dinner roll and a cranberry crunch bar for dessert. I’m sure lunch will be good. I’ve no complaints about the food

I hope to read my book The Reckoning by Mary L Trump this afternoon. I have 50 some pages to go. I’d like to finish it today. I just couldn’t get into it this morning because I was too tired. I’m finially awake after four coffees so I should be able to manage. But first I have to call Chocolatechip.

3:29p.m. I’m in bed now. My aide put me in bed around 2:00. I didn’t have long to wait. I’ve been talking with  Chocolateschip a lot. She cought up with Schhwaans. She spent about $50 in grocer. She got a tub of ice cream plus five or six meals. Chocolatechip said she has plenty of food in her house.

I haven’t read yet. For some reason I just couldn’t get into my book today.  I’ll read tonight after supper. I won’t finish it today but I!l get to it tomorrow. It’s not like I’m studying for the Big test at West Liberty. I will finish that book . I just had an off day for some reason.

7:55p.m. I finially got around to reading my book. I started after supper and and read two chapters. I have one more to go. This will make the fifth book I read so far this year. I’m staying up to finish it tonight. I’m anxious to start on Peril by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa (not Bert).














































. Breakfast














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February 23, 2024

Cherish this good day, Bear.