Friday 12/8/23

4:23a.m. I slept better last night.Arthritis and muscle spasms were not as bad . Also I don’t remember any weird dreams. So I got plenty of much needed sleep. Aides woke me up at 4 and got me in my wheelchair. 

8:05 p.m. I slept in my wheelchair for a few hours. Then they served sausage, oatmeal and scrambled eggs. I ate everything. I had my orange juice and coffee as well. Breakfast and coffee perked me up. This is going to be a good day.

9:20a.m I’m at the Coffee Social waiting for my coffee. They have the Fiesta Room decorated for Christmas. 


This is a picture of one tree they set up. There is another tree 


This isn’t a good shot.

Anyways I’m on my first cup of coffee. I’m hoping the coffee is going to make me feel good all over. 

1:08p.m. I didn’t last too long at the Social. I left for my room after one coffee. I wasn’t feeling well because arthritis was acting up. I slept in my wheelchair for the rest of the morning. I woke up when they served drinks and lunch. Lunch consisted two breaded fish sandwiches It was very good. Lunch and coffee perked me up. But my left leg is still hurting from arthritis.

I wish I was back in bed now. Chronic pain makes anyone tired. I think I could sleep the rest of the day. I feel so achy and tired right now. All I can think of is getting in bed and falling asleep. It will be awhile though because the aides are taking care of lunch trays.

4:04p.m. I’ve been reading Wolves of the Calla  by Stephen King. I have two more chapters to go. I hope I can finish this one tonight. Next up is Song of Susanna . This is the sixth book in the Dark Tower series After that is the final book Dark Tower. I hope to finish reading these two by Christmas. Then I will start on the two John Grisham novels The Firm and The Exchange: After the Firm If I finish all these books I would have read twenty-seven books this year.

6:21p.m. I had chili, rice cornbread and and peaches for supper. I should not have eaten the chili. It made me sick and bloated. I’ll probably be pooping all night. Then, knowing how the aides are, I’ll no doubt be laying in it for some time.i got

I called Chocolatechip after I ate and got some bad news. She might not be able to visit Monday. Weather might not cooperate according to the case manager. CM said we are in for a wintery mix.. The CM might bring her but Chocolatechip will have to find her own way back. She is afraid of getting stuck because she has no other transportation. Chocolatechip might cancel depending on the weather. I said I understood I wouldn’t want you to get stuck. 

Chocolatechip also said she has no money for Christmas gifts. She had to replace a lot of bedding she threw out because of bed bugs. This means no $25 Amazon gift card. I said that is ok. I getting new bedding is more important than a gift card. Besides I have enough books to read. 

It looks like I’m having a very lonely Christmas. The best possible present I could of had was a visit from Chocolatechip. Now it doesn’t seem that it will happen.

7:14p.m. All of a sudden I feel very depressed. I was really looking forlostward to seeing Chococolatechip. Now it looks like it is not going to happen. I feel so friggin lonesome and sadl because I’ll be spending another Christmas alone. I’m alone anyways so what difference does  a  oobniCtohristmas make? It will be just another day in the friggin nursing homes.No wonder I get so depressed during the Holidays.Being alone anytime sucks. It is worse this time of year. 

All I can say is thank God for my books. I forget who said it but I once read A man is never alone if he has a library. I think it was Ralph Waldo Emerson. Anyways, whoever said it was right. I can get lost in a book and forget about my problems. I find reading to be the best therapy in the world. For me there is nothing like a good book .

If possible I will be indulging my life long passion this season. Reading will keep me from going completely insane. Reading will keep me company for books makel the best of friends. I may not be with the one I love but I will not be alone, thanks to books.
































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December 8, 2023

Good Friday morning.  I hope you don’t have as much pain as you did yesterday.  Living with pain every day is so hard, I know.

December 8, 2023

@happyathome  Nice to hear from you How you have you been? I’m doing a lot better today. Arthritis isn’t nearly as bad as it was yesterday





December 9, 2023

@bear70 I’ve been okay,  just doing life and getting ready for Christmas.  We are on our way back to Houston right now to see the grandkids.  Walker is in the hospital getting a round of chemo.  We will be there till Wednesday or Thursday.  I’m glad you had a better day.

December 8, 2023

So glad to hear your out of pain for today. Enjoy it and soak as much out of this day as you can.

December 8, 2023

@ravdiablo Thank you my friend. I do feel a lot better