Friday 11/17/23

6:05a.m. I had a good night. I fell asleep around nine . I slept well with no weird dreams or pain. The aides let me sleep until 5:30. They did a good job in cleaning me up and getting me dressed. I feel very rested but could use some coffee. 

One of the things I miss is making me own coffee in the morning.First thing I did was head for the coffee pot. I would have a cigarette with my cup of Maxwell House.  It was so good. Now I have to wait  sometimes three hours before my morning coffee. I swear this is the longest and hardest part of the day. 

I was thinking about all the things I missed while living on my own. Most of my thoughts revolved around Chococolatechip. I used to go to her apartment first thing in the morning. We would have coffee together. We would laugh and carry on like a couple of kids without a care in the world. I think those were some of the best times I ever had. I will never forget those coffee sessions. 

I have a lot of good memories with Chococolatechip. We had a lot of good times together. When we first got together I would take her out to a lot of nice places. There was this one Italian restaurant in Weirton named Marios  They had the best Italian food around Then there was Ponderosa and Fun Buffet on Three springs drive. We had a lot of good times in those places.

I was thinking about all of this before I fell asleep last night. Those memories are precious to me  and nobody can take them away. 

9:38a.m. I had a good breakfast of sausage, toast and scrambled eggs. I  also had my coffee and juice. Coffee didn’t help much because I fell asleep in my wheelchair.  I slept for a long time. But I was up  in time for the coffee social.  This time the coffee is slowly working its magic. 

I don’t know what hit me but all of a sudden I felt so tiered. Try as I might I could not stay awake after breakfast. Usually one cup at breakfast wakes me up but not today.  I’m on my second cup and I hope that does the trick. I want to be awake so I can finish Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King. 

2:56p.m. I did a lot of reading finishing Wind Through the Keyhole. I had a delicious lunch. They served two fish sandwiches, tater tots and orange sherbet. Chococolatechip went to that Bible study group today at one. We didn’t get a chance to talk after lunch. I started to read the next volume in the Dark Tower series, Wolves of the Calla but I didn’t make much progress. I fell asleep.

I slept for an hour. I needed changed and wanted to get in bed. An aide came right away. This is a great day because I didn’t have to wait all afternoon. She was a bit cranky but did a good job. She put me in bed, undressed me and changed my briefs. So I had delicious food and good care. This is turning out to be a great day! Life is good!

Only problem is I miss Chococolatechip. Like I said she had her Bible study this afternoon. That lasted from one to two. I called after two when I woke from my nap. No answer.She might be dealing with the exterminator who was in the building today. Then she might of gone out with her lady friend from the Bible study. All I know is I miss talking with her this afternoon.

Oh and I had a good time at the coffee social. I was given a second cup of coffee! Yippie. I made my way back to my room after two I had a total of three cups. This made me right chipper. I started reading when I got back. I read the rest of the morning.

So I’m having a good day. I’m in a very good mood for a change I credit Chococolatechip, good meals lots of coffee and a good Stephen King book for making it all worthwhile. 

5:51p.m. The last eight book I read were by Stephen King. I think I need a break from him. I tried reading Wolves of the Calla this afternoon. I just couldn’t get started. I must be burned out by now. I want to finish the Dark Tower series though. Maybe I just need to take a break from it.

I had a good supper They served rigatoni, spinach,a dinner roll and peaches for dessert. I ate everything but the spinach. I did not get sick or bloated. So I had three good meals today

I called Chocolatschip after I ate. No answer. She probably went to bed early We were talking earlier. She planned on start her Christmas baking tomorrow. Every year Chococolatechip makes a million cookies for friends and family. I used to get a big plate of her cookies every Christmas. That is always made my holiday. So she probably went to bed early planning on getting an early start.

My only problem right now is I’m soaked. I can’t get any help now because the aides are taking care of dinner trays. I hope I get help soon. I hate the thought of ending a good day in urine and feces 

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November 17, 2023

Hey Bear – I am so with you on the coffee: I can’t start my day without a strong cup. In my case, I may be so tired that I just boil some water and put in a spoonful of instant and a packet of sugar to get myself a jump start. Any chance you could get that where you are?