Friday 1/12/24

5:18a.m. I didn’t have a good night thanks to weird dreams. Then I got so depressed and lonesome. I do not know what made me so sad. I think it was the aide I had last night. She wasn’t very friendly. I get really tired of dealing with people and their shitty attitude Then of my tablets died on me. I’m down to one working tablet. If this one goes it cannot be replaced.

For whatever reason I was up most of the night. I was also in a very uncomfortable position. I was at the edge of the bed. I could not pull myself to the center. I would have fallen on the floor if it hadn’t been for the rail. I was glad when the aide came to get me up at 5:00.

 Anyways I’m above the dirt and blessed with another day. I hope I have a good one

 7:44a.m I’m feeling better. I fell asleep for a while. Then they served drinks and breakfast. The coffee  made me feel good all over. Then they served a big plate of French toast. I ate it all. I also found out that that one tablet works fine when you plug it I to a wall outlet. At least I can use it a little longer.

I was talking to Chocolatechip. She was telling me about something called Q Link. It’s sponsored  by the government. If you are on Medicaid or Medicaid you can get a tablet for $10. The trouble with that us you need a credit or debit card. I have neither.

10:57a.m.  Lynn from PT took me to the gym. I did my arm exercises for an hour. As always I had a good time. When finished she took me to the Fiesta Room for more coffee. I had two cups.

While there I chatted with Chocolatechip on Messenger. She said she could afford to send me some gift cards next month so I could get a tablet. I asked how could she afford that. She can work it into her budget. I said I have a Kindle and a second tablet I don’t want to see you go without. But she kind of insisted. I felt that really do need a back up tablet. I had this one for a couple of years. It might be ready to conk out on me. So, God help me I said yes.

I went to Amazon and looked up tablets. I saw this Printom tablet for $54.99. it is similar to what I have. I was telling Chocolatechip this and she said that’s not bad. She said she could send me gift card next month she said. Ever so cautious I said we will see how your finances work out.

Anyways I stayed in the Fiesta Room for two coffees. I wanted to talk with Chocolatechip and recharge my one working tablet. I made my way back to my room. I called Chocolatechip. We talked about the tablet. Then she talked about going to Bible study. I wanted to talk about how she was going to manage next month. She went on about other things. We talked for a few minutes then she wanted to get ready for Bible study.

I want to do my own Bible Study before lunch. I read a little bit of Joshua . I’m about halfway through that book. I think it is interesting. It’s about how the Israelites conquered the Holy Land and divided the territories amongst the various tribes. So it is back to my book
































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January 12, 2024

Hey Bear – it sounds like the battery on the tablet is no longer holding a charge. If you need help with it, private message me and we can work something out.