Skinny Bitch
So, let me tell you all, I bought the book Skinny Bitch last night. It seriously changed a lot of my views and ideals. I have decided to become a vegitarian. The book sort of practices veganism, but honestly, that’s one thing I’ll have to tackle slowly. Like I was saying in my last entry, I’m eating lots of fruits and veggies now, but this book really pushed me to adopt a fully veggie way of life. I’ve always sort of considered it because I have a huge soft spot for animals. I can’t stand to see one get hurt, or if there’s a dead deer on the side of the road I can be brought to tears. Just small things like that always made me consider vegitarianism, but I never had the true motivation. After reading that book, holy cow I am changing my ways. Not only is it cruel, meat is actually not good for you. They explain so many things in the book. It’s really a good book. I’m not saying everyone should be a vegitarian or vegan, but if you’re curious, check out the book.
So anyway, today I have been super good. I peed a whole lot yesterday, which has actually made me feel awesome today because it got rid of a lot of toxins. I think by the end of the week my crazy peeing will subside once my body is flushed. I went grocery shopping since I’m adopting a new way of life, totally organic and vegitarian. It’s funny, I always picture vegitarians to be smelly hippies, but you can rest assured that I will break that mold, haha. I’m still a shopaholic who loves starbucks. Not saying that I believe a stereotype or anything. Anyway. I had a strawberry, banana smoothie for breakfast. It had 6 strawberries, 1 banana, 1 cup lowfat vanilla soymilk, and a couple ice cubes. It was quite yummy. Then I had a bottle of water and a small iced latte. For lunch I had a veggie burger on organic whole wheat bread with a tomato slice, lettuce, and ketchup, with blue chips on the side. Honestly, it’s 2:20 and I’m satisfied. Not full, not hungry, just content. Either it’s all the water, or the healthy food or a combo, but I can totally live like this. I also bought some "healthy" junk food. I got some organic cookies so in case I do want something sweet, I won’t totally fall off the wagon. Organic cookies are better than a hot fudge sundae in my opinion.
I highlighted a sentence in the book that I absolutely love: "You can continue plodding along in your life feeling like you’re not living up to your glorious potential or you can dedicate yourself to creating the life you want." So true.
Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it! Good luck with the Vegetarian diet, I don’t think I could. I love meat, but I might have to go get the book. 🙂
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