Theme of the week

how exciting to see that the "theme of the week" has asked what your favorite quote is and why…

on previous entries I have placed quotes that I love to share and picking a favorite would be nearly impossible for me to do.  I keep a journal of just quotes that I enjoy,an idea from my oldest sister,and I often share quotes with my best friend.(he understands me and my love for words)

let’s see if I can explain maybe one or two that hold dear meaning to me!

 "don’t try to change the wind,change the sails." -author unknown

We all get "stuck" in a way of doing just our daily routine,and no matter what that is the wind blows around us.Taking chances can be scary,change the sails if you may. I often wonder if people stop and look around them and see the beauty in what lies ahead.I once traveled the road alone and the wind blew my sails in a different direction.I have taken hold and though I still walk alone on the path of life,I see that at the end there is my someone waiting with open arms,just as promised.The wind can be tough at times and to stay strong is a challenge,but giving up is not an option.When you have walked through the wind and rain you know that the sun will soon shine again.Stop and turn your face to the sun,this is what being loved and loving someone feels like.Your sails are strongest when the water is calm and the sun is shining.

another quote I often read to myself is as follows,and I believe it is self explanatory….

 "true love stories never have endings." -Richard Bach

the day ends,the week,the month,the year.The moment that never ends is when your with someone who just makes you feel good by sitting beside them.To explain it best is the front page of my quote journal,it reads as follows:

 Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind."Pooh" he whispered."Yes Piglet?"

"Nothing," said Piglet,taking Pooh’s paw.

"I just wanted to be sure of you."

Picking a favorite quote like I said is impossible for me to do,but sharing them is a pleasure when someone out there understands who you are and what you have to offer with just a few simple words.

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February 24, 2007

I’m in my 30’s, and Pooh Bear is still a superhero to me. I just love the little guy. I am glad that things are going well for you. Take care, and have fun. May your weekend be filled with smiles, and love.

February 28, 2007

Ryn: You are a very sweet person. Thank you so much. I could use a shoulder to lean on a bit today, but more than that, I could use a magic wand or a really good, and quick house cleaner. ha ha. Thank you again. I hope that your day is going well. Take care.

March 2, 2007

Hey ya sweety, are you doing okay? I hope that your evening is going great, and that you have a fun weekend.

March 6, 2007

You are sweet. How have you been?

March 7, 2007

Just dropping in to say hi. Ryn: Pics are something that I believe you can never have enough of. I take pics all the time. I must drive my poor hubby nuts. I just don’t want to forget. Sweet dreams dear.

March 14, 2007

Ryn: I’ve been thinking about you, and wondering how you are doing. I hope that all is well in your world. Aren’t babies a blessing. By chance do you happen to know what the 2 on the way are? It doesn’t really matter, as long as they are healthy. Have a great day dear one.

March 17, 2007

I hope that your St. Patty’s day was full of green m&m’s. I like the blue ones, thankfully, hubby, and my niece both are fond of the green one’s also. Well, sweet dreams dear one.

March 19, 2007

ryn: thank you. It helps sometimes just to cry, and to get it out. It may not do much good, but, it helps just to let it go. I am sure that you are good at many things. I know that you have been a very good friend to me. Thank you. I hope that your day is going great.

March 20, 2007

Just dropping in to say Hi, and that I hope you are doing well.

March 20, 2007

Thanks for stopping by. By all means, feel free to any of the nonsense I’ve written. From what I’ve been told, it can be pretty entertaining.

March 22, 2007

Thank you so much. Right now I think that they could use all the prayers that they could get. It just sucks to be them right now, and I wish I could help. Thank you again. You are very sweet. Goodnight dear.