sharing with you today


   A few days ago, I recieved a Christmas card from a co-worker.On the front was one word…."BELIEVE".


I don’t know why but I looked up the word believe in my dictionary,this is what I found.

                 believe: in

                                 2.accept as true

                                  3.hold as an opinion

now, I know the card’s meaning was directed for this time of year….when we ask ourselves,"do you believe in Santa Claus?" and I hope you all say yes! It’s just that I have looked at the card for a few days now and it has got me thinking,"what do I believe in?"

                              here you go……


…in angels

…that puddle stomping is an art form all in itself!

…"true north" always leads you home

…laughter truly is the best medicine

…sharing your thoughts and dreams should not be kept secret from someone you love

…holdng hands in the middle of the night

…beach sand kept in a glass holds many memories

…listen to what mama says

…each day has new meaning if you try your best

…old barns can tell us a story not just of hard work,but of life

…and I believe,

                          "one true friend heals your soul."


now that’s not all I believe in,of course the list goes on and on…but today that’s what I carry with me and I just wanted to share.


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