one word

It’s almost the start of a new day,so I guess it’s time to  submit my first entry.I have been staring at this blank screen for a few months now,just not knowing where to start.

To know me,well….some might say I talk a lot,so forgive me if I start to ramble.

I titled my first enrty,"one word",and the word I’m refering to is rescue.I looked up the meaning of this word quite some time ago,probably a few years back,and I have never forgotten what I read and how I apply it to everyday life.

rescue: to set free,as from danger or imprisoment,save.

Now,don’t just think of acts of heroism.Ask yourself,"what’s my rescue?" What is it that takes you away from the stress of just plain living day to day? You know,when work is relentless,the kids are climbing the walls,your significant other doesn’t have a clue….what takes you away?

I often try to figure it out in people around me.I sometimes ask,and hear all sorts of things….."gardening,reading,long hot baths," everyone has their own rescue.

What’s really wonderful is seeing it.I had an oppurtunity to see someone very special to me enjoying what I call his rescue.

It was last summer,a hot day in July.(it’s funny how you don’t forget a date,it was July 13th) We went out for a ride on his boat and I saw it happening right before my eyes.We chatted while riding the waves,I mostly listened as he spoke of the surronding areas and the facts of the ocean and all its glory.Now,don’t get me wrong,I chit chatted as we went along and giggled at some of what I was learning.Like,gannets.It’s a bird that flies out over the ocean and alerts fisherman where the fish are.I immediatly renamed these little birds to,"baby g’s".

It didn’t take long before I realized that I was almost speechless,watching him throw a line out in the water,smelling the ocean’s air and feeling the water on your face from the sprays that come up off the boat.I remember taking a deep breath,closed my eyes for a brief moment and when I opened them I thought,"it’s his rescue."

and I have never forgotten.Look around you from time to time,people watch if you may.You’ll see it,a rescue.

also,don’t be afraid to share what it is that makes you happy…people don’t forget a smile when your grinning from ear to ear.

I’ll be back from time to time,to share thoughts and stories…and in case you were wondering? The title of my diary,"He calls me Angel…", who is He?

that’s easy, he is my rescue.

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Thank you!

July 9, 2006

interesting thought.. a rescue hmmmm