feeling this way

   thank you for the sunshine…

I needed to wake up and see the sunshine today,it has been a very long week. While driving to and from work this week I have found myself feeling angry and it’s a feeling I’m not use to.

This past Sunday, mother nature decided to dump a grand nor’ easter over the North East. My little heart breaks seeing the destruction it has caused. Trees ripped up from the ground,water spilled over the roads from the rivers overflowing,and the ocean is most angry. Boats sunk in the harbor and beachfront houses just swallowed into the sea.

We had warning,but sand bags and blockades couldn’t stop her…mother nature was angry and made her point.

   Maybe I’m using this anger to cover the sadness I feel from the tragedy at Virginia Tech. Everytime I pick up the newspaper,turn on the t.v. or the computer, I see images of this monster who took the lives of innocent people.

Everyone around me is talking about it,asking why and how could this happen? Knowing these answers is impossible,but feeling the grief is real. Feeling safe in your surrondings is something I struggle for,in fear of monsters who just come in and take what they want. It’s a terrible feeling when your scared and I can only imagine how scared these students and teachers were.

   I’m praying inside my heart every moment of the day for all of the people affected by this tragedy.

The sun is shining today. I think I’ll go to a favorite spot near the water and stretch my arms up towards the sky.

   I’m going to reach up and feel myself being hugged by the clouds,

                                                                                     thank you for the sunshine.

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April 21, 2007

I hope that you are well today, and that your weekend is going smoothly. Take care hon.

——– Park

Oh yeah, that’s your hint. LOL

hint for #3 on 2nd quiz – hmmmm, this movie was the first in a line of movies that also included a Christmas theme.

So very close!! But NOooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Ha

April 28, 2007

I just want you to know that you are in my thoughts, and prayers. I hope you are doing well tonight. I am thinking of you.