a little nudge…

I started this entry a few days ago,on paper first is where I begin. A friend picked it up yesterday and asked why I hadn’t finished it? I needed a little nudge to help me with the ending…so here it is.

   There is a quote from a movie that I heard someone say recently, "life is like a box a chocolates." When you hear it you can’t help but think of the delightful movie it came from,Forest Gump.Well, I thought of this quote throughout my day came up with my own version.

   "life is like a box of crayons."  I love a new box of crayons,the smell,the feel,and how they fit into my life. Now don’t laugh,imagine a life without color???

take green…thinking of grass? I think of the smell of fresh cut grass,how it brings you back to the day your father realized you were old enough to mow the lawn on your own…how proud he felt when you did it without needing to be asked.

now yellow…my first thought is always the sun. I relate the sun to a funny little yellow flower,marigolds.One of my favorites and I always say,"little balls of sunshine."  My bedroom is painted a soft shade of yellow,so I feel as if I’m sleeping in the sunshine….or a field of marigolds! (now you can laugh)

pink…makes me think of two special people. Mama has always loved pink,and my buddy Tracey. These two will buy anything that is pink!  I love that about them because it makes them happy. Trace doesn’t share time with her mom anymore,so it means even more that she shares the love of something with my mama.

one more…blue. You can probably tell by the layout of my diary page that I like the color blue. I think of the water and how at peace I feel when I’m sitting near it,the piercing blue in someones eyes,and the sky which changes with each passing day. I guess I could get lost in the color of those three things,and it’s a wonderful feeling.

   If you want to see color at its best,watch the sunrise. It’s as if you opened a new box of crayons.You name the color and you’ll see it there,my guess…143 different colors all together.

it’s beautiful,truly beautiful.


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May 26, 2007

Miss you too. How are you? I hope that things are better in your world. Take care.

June 1, 2007

How are you? I’ve been wondering about you. Take care okay. I still think of you so much.

I know I’m late on responding but I don’t get on here as much as I use to. Your sooo right when you say if you want to see color at its best to watch the sunrise. Watching the sunset can be just as beautiful. Its been a while since you’ve added an entry, is everything OK? Take care.

Just stopping in to say “thanks” for your notes. Its nice to know your doing OK. :o)

July 14, 2007

Miss you.

When are you going to leave another entry?