My Man, My Life <3

I personally feel like life is so much more fun when you have someone by your side to love you and cheer you on. I thought I was going to be alone forever  I just never saw myself as a pretty girl. I’ve been in relationships that I thought were good but they turned out abusive and I was always scared of leaving because I always had that fear of being alone. I ended up leaving my abusive relationship and started kind of dating myself and it was a love hate relationship. I struggled for a while to find love within myself I colored my hair so many times and did dark makeup and I thought I was so pretty. I moved to Texas and started working for Amazon, met such amazing friends, and then I met someone that completely changed my life. I met Kyle one night at work he came up to my work station and introduced himself and all he had to do was smile and he got me. We started texting and quickly became friends, he texted me one day asking me out on a date and yes you’re right I had a mini freak out. Our first date was at Applebees (the one that we went to shut down) we had an amazing time, we laughed, drank, and he also learned that I didn’t know how to hold a fork. I love my Kyle with all my heart and the best thing about this relationship is: not only are we dating but he’s mt best friend. We are almost to our two year anniversary and I couldn’t be happier, I found my soulmate and my best friend and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.

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February 17, 2020

I agree. 🙂 I’m glad that you are happy!