You have to be kidding!
I found out a week ago, I’ve been the victim of identity theft. I have no idea why. I’m poor!!! They couldv’e atleast asked me!! I couldv’e used a cut! Now, my FAFSA is all fucked up!!! How will I continue my education!? But here is a good thing. James is going to work for Schneider,. So he’ll be gone for the next 2 weeks on the 9th. YES!!!!!! Some peace and quiet and maybe a little fun. Yes he’s still trying to win me. Yesterday he showed me how thoughtful he could be. Why couldn’t you do it with me? Everyone is like you should get back with him and yadda yadda but they don’t know how we fight. Love doesn’t fight or hurt. Our’s does. True I might be afraid of things going wrong and I’ll end them before they do but this isn’t the case. We aren’t a good match. I have no feeling for him at all. He seems to think that it’s o.k. just to bring home the bacon and that’s it. I want more. Like Stacy Orrico said there has to be more and I want it. I’m 25 years old. I want a husband. Then on Yahoo, I met this guy and I think he doesn’t want to talk to me because I have 3 kids. What they fail to realize is that I raise them on my own with no help from their dad or the government. These are the best kids any person could ask for and I have the honor of calling them mine. My oldest son’s honor roll ceremony is tomorrow and he’s been there since he started that school. The apple doesn’t fall far and any man would be proud to call them his. I pray dear Lord that one day my Sote will see the jewels he has and adore us. I hope I’m not too old. I’m running out of time…