You must be a moron to be a Democrat.
I’ve been continually amazed at how Democrats are rattling on about how Barr is in contempt of Congress.
Let’s look at the facts.
Federal rule 6E makes it illegal to release grand jury testimony. A grand jury is so secretive even witness lawyers are not allowed in the room. And to reaffirm 6E material cannot be distributed; the DC court after hearing McKeever v Barr; which was ruled on a short while ago, stated that even a judge could not release 6E testimony. To do so is to break the law.
I’m going to try and make this easier to understand by writing it in conversation form where appropriate. While this conversation never took place, similar discussions have taken place and what I’m writing captures the premise and factual.
Nadler: Are you going to release the Mueller Report?
Barr: It is on the Justice Department website for anyone to read.
Nader: Are you going to release a fully unredacted copy of the report?
Barr: To do so would violate federal law 6E regarding grand jury testimony as well as potential compromise ongoing criminal invitations and court cases.
Nadler: I want to see the full report.
Barr: There is a copy of the report in a Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF) at the DOJ where you can view a less reacted. The report available to the public has about 10% redacted, the one in the SCIF is 1.5% redacted.
No Democrats show up to view the document.
Nadler: That’s not good enough. What good is being able to see the report if I can’t talk about it with anyone?
Barr: We can arrange for even more Democrats to be able to view the report, have the document viewable on Capitol Hill, and you are allowed to talk about the information with those who have also read the less-redacted portions of the report.
Nadler: Because you are following the law, and released the report the Judiciary committee recommends that you be found in contempt of Congress for not breaking the law.
The case now goes to court to get Barr to release the entirely redacted Mueller report.
Judge: Let me see if I understand the facts in this case.
1. Barr made the report public – with redactions to Grand Jury information and ongoing investigations
2. The report was available at the Justice Department with 1.5% of the story redacted – only 6E material and no one went to see it
3. AG Barr offered to expand the list to allow more Democrats to see it, and no one went to see it
4. Barr offered to bring the less-redacted report to the hill, and you turned him down.
5. Barr asked the committee to provide a list of underlying documents regarding the redacted portions, and they would be provided. Your committee never followed through with the request.
Nadler: …
Judge: Are you aware that it is illegal to make grand jury information public, and the McKeever v Barr ruling means even a judge can not release it.
Nadler: …
Judge: Are you aware that Congress created rule 6E. Therefore, you can add a line to the rule stating “Grand jury testimony may be made available in the case of a special counsel report.”?
Nadler: …
Judge: Stop wasting my time, do your job and get out of my courtroom.
To sum up, Barr released the report in question and did everything possible within the law and Nadler had decided to still go ahead with contempt charges.
What does the news report? Barr is breaking the law and covering for Trump – idiots follow idiots.
What truly scares me is how easily Comey lies and people not only believe it but love him for it. Not only that but again the media parrots what he says keeping the lie going and giving it even more credence.
Granted most people don’t know the difference between a Confidential Information (CI) and a spy.
A CI is an asset which provides information and is part of the target organization.
A spy is an asset who is planted into the target organization to gather information.
Spying is an umbrella term for collection methods such as electronic and physical surveillance, the use of assets, etc.
A court order is when a judge chooses one of the multiple options or a document written by a lawyer which outlines why one of the multiple choices is acceptable in the case.
Something is court approved when one option is brought before a judge to either sign off on or deny. The most common case is a warrant.
When a federal agent or any other law enforcement agent goes to court, they swear out a document which the judge takes as being factual and verified. The judge doesn’t know anything about the case and relies on the agent for the facts. The judge then reads the documents and either denies or approves the action outlined in the warrant.
This difference makes these documents court approved rather than a court appointed.
So when Comey goes on CNN and says he doesn’t know why but guesses Barr; who’s the first job was at the CIA, uses the term “spy is because the president uses it.”
Comey also went on to say that the surveillance was court ordered, so it wasn’t his responsibility.
To get a surveillance warrant, an agency needs to swear out its case to the secretive FISA court. Who signed the first FISA warrant against Carter Page, James Comey.
Yet, he claims not to know anything about what “they”; referring to the FBI he was the director of at the time, did; instead he was just kept in the loop because it was an important issue. If he was only kept in the loop why is his signature on the warrant and why was he part of the first group who first went before the FISA judge?
The media who got the two most significant cases of political spying and collusion wrong, one would think the media would want to do better at getting their stories correct. But few if any called into question what Comey said despite there being open source evidence contradicting what the former FBI director said. Again idiots follow idiots.
Especially, since a new poll suggests that 90% of Republicans and 64% of Democrats no longer trust the mainstream media. “Journalists” really need to start revaluating their career choices.
None of what I wrote is to promote Republicans, as they don’t have all the answers either. I don’t care who one votes for or why. What I do care about is people stop letting themselves be mentally and emotionally manipulated by opinion being disguised as truth and denying facts because they don’t fit a narrative you want to believe.
“Wisdom is power and power is wisdom,
one with each other, perfecting the whole.”
“Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken for Truth
like the sunlight shines above all.
He who over-steppeth the law shall be punished,
for only through law comes the freedom of men.
Cause thou not fear for fear is a bondage,
a fetter that binds the darkness to men..”
~ Thoth
All this is another reason why I left the left.
On a bright note, one of my friends and youtube is going to file a maritime lean against the Google controlled company.
His channel was 100% demonized, and other actions taken against it, so he has decided to sue under maritime law because Youtube is blocking his corporation from earning money.
I hope you can relax, and have a good day. I hope Tigger is doing okay, and not in pain, or anything. Ciao
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He is in contempt because he did not show up
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I wish you could have put forth your ideas without the initial insult.
Throwing out an insult in the title guarantees that no one who is not already of your opinion will possibly read your argument and be persuaded to consider that you could be making valid points. The insult makes it seem that you are less interested in persuading people of the truth of your views and more interested in trying to denigrate those holding other views, which I hope is not the case. Public debate is vital to this country. Public attack is counter-productive and does no one any good.
Stay thoughtful and involved. You’re an interesting read.
Hope Tigger is feeling better and you meet your steps goal.
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I’ll always be a progressive social Democrat, it’s in my blood to help other and threat societies least the best that I can.
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really unsure where you get your info but so much of it is really NOT how the government in USA works. there are three branches and each brand has to do checks and balances on the other branch and when a president acts like a dictator and tells people to not cooperate which one of the other 2 branches that is not how our government works! it is grounds for impeachment! AND when one of the two branches are lied too…it is a crime, and when one of the two other branches orders you to talk to them… you have to do it no matter if it is 15 times!
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you whole post is about him not being in contempt…????? He is in contempt because he refuses to go and answer questions LOL THAT is the law
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