Was Obama caught lying again?
Was Obama caught lying again?
It’s unliveable what comes out, doesn’t make the media and liberals defend without knowing the facts. Sometimes I wonder if they are lying or ignorant. It’s a binary choice, one or the other.
Remember way back when Obama said on national TV that he found out about Hillary using a private server from the news just like everyone else? Well, that is a lie.
That Obama emailed Hillary, but he didn’t know the email address. How does that work?
See, unlike TV, movies, and other fictional things there are security measures in place to protect the cabinet and White House electronic communications devices. It is known as the White House Communications Agence; run by the DOD, and better known as WACA.
The present phone is highly secure, the worst thing that could happen is some form of virus infects the phone. One of the ways to prevent that is a white list; which is the opposite of a blacklist. This white list only allows verified emails to pass through the firewall to the president’s phone.
That means that a high-level government official had to give WACA the order to put on the list and clear Clinton’s private email address for access to the president’s phone and other electronic devices.
According to Judicial Watch, New testimony by Bill Priestap; former head of the FBI’s Counter Intelligence Division, has said under oath that the FBI found emails from Clinton’s private email address particularly in the Executive Office of the President.
There is no way Obama didn’t notice the distinction between @state.gov and @clintomail.com in the metadata. It’s the equivalent of saying you don’t know the difference between someone who emails you from their work or using their Gmail. The distinction is obvious.
To tie this up nicely, Obama said that he didn’t know Clinton had a private email, but the email address had to be cleared for the president to receive it and there where 1,000’s of @clintonmail email’s found in the president’s records.
Again, is Obama knowingly lying or so incompetent he doesn’t know the difference between two email accounts and what his Secretary of State is doing. Again, this is a binary answer; it’s either stupid or lying.
Why do I care about all this? I left the government because of all the bullshit and corruption. I started being groomed at a very young age and fell for the lie that the government is always the good guys; they don’t lie to the people and have their best interest at heart. They do not!
Here at home, as the Federal Climate Change Tax was just argued that it was unconstitutional; I’m waiting to hear the decision, the Federal government has decided to launch a Plastic tax which will – yep, tax everything with plastic in it, which is virtually everything, including our money. HAHA, a tax on money how symbolic.
When people ask why I’m planning to leave Canada after Tigger dies, this is one of the many reasons.
I financially planned out my retirement from the day I was 40 until I die at 100. While I probably won’t live that long, that’s how much money I have saved. Three years into my retirement and I’m considering going back to work because the taxes just keep rising at ridiculous rates and over absurd things.
My stance is clear on climate change and the need for humans to stop fucking up the earth with pollution and deforestation. If the carbon tax did that, I would gladly pay it. However, it is being redistributed to people based on a set of criteria which makes no sense.
I gave up my car in 2011; somehow I get $154 because I pollute too much with my car. Yet someone who lives in a rural area, has to drive long distances to get groceries, work, etc. can receive up to $700 back depending on a few other factors. They pollute way more than I do; according to the government, but they get a significantly larger rebate? It makes no sense.
Not to mention the province I live in has seen a 22% in carbon emissions over the last decade; which is the most by any price in Canada. Somehow, Ontario ends up paying a larger than average share to give to provinces which have either not lowered their emissions as much or in two cases saw them rise.
Why are the citizens of Ontario being punished? I laughed when one of the Justices hearing the case actually told the federal attorney to shut up and leave Ontario alone. I should dig up that quote; it was priceless.
Huh, I have one of the same shirts as John Dowd. He was wearing it with a dark sports jacket and black pants. I never thought of wearing it informally with a suit or more formal clothing. It looks terrific. The colour contrast is vivid.
Tigger is not eating as much food and starting to show some of the same signs as Medhia did. Perhaps the kidney medication isn’t as side-effect free as I thought. She is back to pooping all over the house. I’m just glad she stays primarily on the main floor making it easy to find and clean right away.
Now that the hype about being an underwater coral farmer has subsided, I’m not sure what I want to do when Tigger passes. Part of it is I’m not 100% sure I can pass the dive physical. I’m going to ask my Dr when I see him next month.
Truth be told there isn’t much else that I want to do and somehow just travelling the world seems hollow. I retired early for a reason, but I don’t know what that is. I have no desire to go back to working a desk job or any form of work which isn’t exciting, challenging, and something I genuinely enjoy where I don’t feel like I’m selling my soul for cash.
I laughed so hard today, somehow a youtube video of Marie Laveau the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans. The host who had a PhD was so misinformed. He referred to her as a Queen, instead of Priestess and when talking about, showing the tomb it wasn’t even the correct one.
The tomb he showed was the one created for the movie National Treasure. If face palming were still cool, I would have done it. How do people get away with putting such misinformation into the public?
I saw my first bunny of the year tonight on my walk. I really should bring my camera with me so I can get some good photos. There is no way I could get even a semi-decent picture with the phone. It’s not built for dark photography.
Tigger has seemed confused a lot this afternoon. She couldn’t decide how to get down from one of her lairs and had no interest in food unless I shoved it in her face. Once she did eat she perked right up.
The same thing happened with Medhia. First, she would get confused and only eat if I forced her, then she just stopped eating altogether. Once she came off the medication, she would return to her usual self.
I’m not sure seeing Tigger like this is worth the few extra months the pills may provide. Kidney disease is painless physically. Mentally for me watching Medhia and Tigger deteriorate is pure hell. How I survived the loss of Medhia was Tigger was still around.
Time to feed the fuzz face and then head to bed.
hope Tigger feels better soon… Obama lies? I can’t get thru trumps 30 lies a day… anyone who can do better than that is good in my book
I’ll pass your good wishes on to Tigger. However she is dying, that’s the sad reality. It’s starting to eat me up inside.
So in your mind, it’s okay for a Democrat to lie? And somehow you believe that Trump lies 30 times a day. I have no doubt Trump lies, but I doubt he lies about 210 times a week.
I guess you’re also okay when Democrats lie to Judges?
I guess you’re also okay when Democrats lie to American Citizens about issues?
The implication of what I wrote is that Obama knew and was part of Clinton’s trafficking in classified information. That’s not me saying it, it’s the former FBI Director of Counter Terrorism saying it under oath during a deposition.
I would love to leave a long note but I’m running out the door.
@axalotal the news actually does fact check on him and he averages 25 lies a day! and I have not heard of any lies to a judge
Lying to a judge is a crime, correct? I’m asking because based on your comments I’m not sure if you think lying is okay or not. For the record, lying is not okay by anyone regardless of all the different classifications we have for a person and where they fit in.
Even if you don’t agree, to lie to a court is a crime. One of the most common forms is perjury.
When the DOJ prepares an application for the Foreign Intelligence Survalince Court (FISC) and marks it in all caps VERIFIED APPLICATION, and it has the signature of multiple high-level officials at the DOJ and FBI, a judge assumes it’s factual. A judge is not an investigator, they judge things, hence the name.
However, in the case against Carter Page, the information was never verified, and exculpatory evidence was left out of the application. A lie of omission is still a lie, especially when it helps prove a person is innocent.
This is verified by reading the original FISA warrant, and testimony from top FBI and DOJ officials (FBI Director James Comey, FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe, FBI Assistant Director of Counter Intelligence Bill Priestap, FBI general legal counsel James Baker and FBI attorney Lisa Page), who have all said under oath in one form or another that the Woods procedure; which is how the FBI verifies outside information, was not followed in the case of the dossier.
There are two components required to receive a FISA warrant when targeting agents of foreign governments.
1. The individual must be acting on behalf of a foreign government; and
2. The action taken must be illegal.
The first point is not necessarily illegal. There are lots of lobbyists working on behalf of foreign governments who meet with members of Congress and the Senate. It’s how foreign relations are conducted.
The second point is vital. The action must be illegal, which usually takes place in the form of a bribe.
The only place the allegations of Page receiving payment from a Russian Oil company is in the dossier. But the dossier was never verified, so the predicate for the warrant isn’t valid.
Therefore, anyone who signed the original FISA application and the three renewals to the FISC very likely committed a federal offence by lying to a Judge.
This is also where the fruit of the poisonous tree takes effect, and all the alleged information on Russian collusion is not admissible in court or an impeachment since all the information was gathered illegally due to an invalid warrant.
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