There can only be one truth and one set of facts, people are not entitled to their own.

I’m so tired of how the English language has become twisted and people “empowered” with false but wise sounding prose; such as, “Speak your truth.”

There can only be one truth, one fact.  That’s it.  Yes, different people can have their own opinions, ideas, beliefs, theories, notions, etc.  People can not have their own truth or own set of facts.

A “truth” is something based on fact and reality.

A “fact” is a statement which can be verified with evidence that can be repeatable.  In the scientific community, this is “peer review”, in the rest of the world this is done through using original source documents.

Sadly people just take what is said by perceived credible sources as being true rather than looking into something for themselves.

This is such a dangerous path because it leads to the dumbing down of society and allows massive scams on humanity to be run.

More than a decade ago, a group of scientists wrote a report which said that human-made global warming (HMGW) was going to raise the temperature unless amongst other things people cut their carbon footprint.  This spawned a multi-billion dollar a year industry.  It also lead to the creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The IPCC has since worked with governments and academia around the world to bring about protocols, taxes, and what to teach people about HMGW and how to combat it.

Over the next ten-plus years, the fear that humanity was doomed became mainstream, and most people were doing their thing to save the planet.

Anyone who said the IPCC was wrong was chastised, their character was attacked, but very seldom was the facts being presented.

Fast forward to September 18th, 2017; the original scientist released a report that claimed a mistake had been made in the initial report which started the whole HMGW/Global Warming hysteria.

This report said two significant things:

  1. They overestimated the carbon dioxide’s (co2) effect on raising the temperature of the earth by 50%
  2. They made a mistake by not including other factors such as
    1. deforestation
    2. volcanic activity
    3. the sun’s impact on the earth’s climate
    4. the shifting of the earth’s magnetic poles
    5. other pollutants

They left off geoengineering which has been going on since the 1920’s.  Look it up on google scholar to get academic papers as opposed to people’s opinions.  Those on the above list are just the ones that most people should know about.  There are many more contributing factors to climate change.

When the math is done, it means that each human can produce almost 2/3 more.  Oh, and climate change; which is natural, is a lot more complicated than just people driving their car’s to work.  As it turns out, Princeton, Yale, and Harvard are the latest three universities to agree that HMGW/Climate Change.

This also means that people, particularly school-age children have been taught lousy science as if it were fact.  Governments around the world have collected carbon taxes on people to help combat HMGW/Climate Change.  People should be asking for their money back.

Now people are starting to blame reocrd snow falls and cold on warm air from the artic.  This just shows people will believe anything if packaged nicely and passed on through what is deemed a credible source.

This is just a based on the scientist contradicting themselves and not hundreds of other reports which admit that climate change is real; and concern, but it is not made by humans.

We do need to stop polluting and become better stewards of the earth.  We only have one, and it needs help if it’s going to keep us alive and healthy.

I’m so frustrated with people who would rather evolve the language to de-evolve as humans, people are too indoctrinated and care too little about life to actually learn and think for themselves.

On a different subject, I’m excited about the DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) report that comes out on the 15th.  It is the work of nearly 12 months, going over 1.2 million documents and hundreds of interviews.  If what I’ve heard it contains is true, a lot of people are going to be shocked and most likely manipulated into believing a partisan view because they won’t look for the truth.  Just what they have been spoonfed.

This scares me, humanity is crumbling, and not preparing for what is to come.

I still get into arguments about our sun being a star.  I have had very well educated people tell me I’m wrong when I call that bright thing that rises every day a “star”. Apparently, it’s not.

I’m so sick and disappointed of people’s excuses for not caring about important things while they worship celebrities.  More people can name everyone on their favourite sports team and most people can’t name their congressman or senetor.

Today was a productive day and up until I had a shower a good day.

My room is now as clean as can be minus the floor washing.  I don’t recognize the upstairs at all.  It’s bright, shiny, and sparkly.

I’m ahead of my plan.  All I have to do upstairs tomorrow is wash the floors.  Everything else is complete.  This means a very easy day tomorrow.

In treadmill news, 1.5 miles the last two days.  It’s getting easier.  I was going to increase to 1 mile twice a day in two weeks, but I may move it up and start Monday.

The last week and a bit I have been eating way too much.  My diet has disapared and is being repalced with two meals at every meal.  A thought that struck me earlier tonight is this could be caused by eating the same four things.  Not having money this month has caused me to rely on my stock.

For years, I have always tried my best to keep a three months supply of food in the house.  No real reason, I don’t fear the apocalypse happening anytime soon; or in my lifetime, rather, it’s just a good thing to have in case.

A couple of Christmases ago, several people I knew were without power for more than a week.  A lot of them ran out of food within a couple of days.

Emergencies happen, it’s smart to be prepared but not live in fear.

“for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
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January 13, 2018

When people “speak their truth,” it’s nothing more than a validation of their perception of a situation that has no objectively true definition.

For example, I have felt, my entire life, that my mother doesn’t like me, and doesn’t love me the way she loves my siblings. I am hurt over and over as I keep hoping that this time will be different. It never is. My truth is that I grew up, and still live, with the psychological damage of not being loved.

If you ask my mother, she denies it. She doesn’t see the disparities in how she treats me and my siblings as expressions of love. Her truth is that she loves all of her children.

What’s the objective truth there? Neither one of us can convince the other of the validity of our experience. But my truth is that my mother resents and dislikes me, and will always put my siblings first. And I need that truth for my sanity. That’s my experience. My mother needs her truth to avoid feeling guilty. It’s not black and white.

January 13, 2018

There’s a lot of good food for thought in here. I often have feelings/ thoughts about “the powers that be, and what baloney they frequently hand us, in lieue (sp) of the truth’s.

January 13, 2018

Bravo! Oh my goodness! You are saying things I say all the fricken time! My husband and I laugh at the things that people will just believe and not look for truth. You see this on FB regularly. Its quite amusing to see the things people post as fact and then I come along and prove them wrong and they STILL argue with me. I stopped trying to educate. I just let them look like fools.

Wait… someone said the sun is not a star????? 😂 😂

Its always good to be prepared. I never was when I was young but now I always have a good amount of necessities in my home to get me and whoever else through.

January 13, 2018

haha thanks @sillysillysandee. I only use FB when it’s work related which thankfully that hasn’t been for a couple of years.

Yes, a scientist; biologist, told me the sun isn’t a star.

Being prepared is great, and hopefully you will never need your supplies.

Did you notice how people are feeling attacked for not being able to have their “own truth,” but not a peep about manmade global warming. Is it possible they never even read what I wrote? They just felt the need to flex their atrophied pseudo-intellectual muscle?

Post hoc, ergo propter hoc.

See I can use big words and speak in latin too too LOL. I’m so smrt. Oh I mean smart.

January 13, 2018

Unfortunately, truth is relative, and changes based on who observes the fact, and how they choose to observe it. And there is a very distinct difference between True and Proven. In science, something can only be proven if there is data to support it, and sometimes the data is faulty, or changes, and what was proven changes. “Everyone Dies” is about the only absolute truth, as there is no verifiable data otherwise!

January 13, 2018

Not including the Sun’s effect nor Volcanic activity is the whole ball game right there. That who report bunk as far as I’m concerned and puts a huge hole in the entire global warming scam. We need to recalculate with all factors included before giving over another dime to all this unproven bulls**t. There are plenty of legit reasons to not pollute, but this one needs to be removed until the numbers are corrected.

January 13, 2018

@peter_24601 I fully agree. People are told it’s their fault for climate change for driving a car and that’s causing The Great Barrier Reef to die, well what about the toxic chemicals being dumped on to it. That seems like a more likely explanation, perhaps my logic is wrong?