Theme of the Week 4 – What is something you did as a child, that you miss doing now?

Wow, this week’s theme is challenging for me.  Afterall, I’m still a child in many ways.  Perhaps I grew and regressed, but at this stage, I’m feeling more like a child than an adult.

The more I think, the more I wish I could go back to that childlike emotional state where very few things really bothered me.  Like most children, I would cry and then move on.  Sure I still hold some grudges from preschool, but they are more like memories of Amy eating my favourite crayon.  It was upsetting, and while one day I hope to eat her favourite crayon, I’m over it.

It’s impossible to pinpoint when I started holding on to and obsessing over negative things in my life.  Now they just linger and make me feel terrible for days.  As it was pointed out in a previous note by at @sillysillysandee, I beat myself up over the smallest things and the “what if’s.”

Ironically, her advice is also the advice I give other people.  What if’s are not healthy.  Look at them and using facts dispell them and send them back to the ether where they belong, replacing them with positive thoughts of “I did well.”

I need to get back to that state of caring but not beating myself up.  This should be a goal for the rest of the year.  Small steps and with some hard work I’ll be back to my childlike state of things being upsetting but not soul-crushing.

“for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
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January 6, 2018

Ahh… the soul of a child. I see it daily with the kids on my bus. It quite wonderful to see the innocence of not being mad for long and the short attention span that allows it.

I think your goal is a good goal. Try waking up everyday and finding something to smile about. That can usually set your mood for the day and the best part is that smiles are infectious.

You’re going to be fine. I just know it!

January 8, 2018

@Axalotal: Right, and a lot of times these things are actually THEIR issues ,not yours!! Love yourself first, then you can love others!! Take care of you and if they are too negative, it’s best to remove them from your circle. OR if you can talk with them about the issues at hand, and explain blah blah, and they co-operate and see the point/s from your standpoint, then they may be keepers, after all???? Take care.