Could you sleep if you knew the truth about everything?
Unfortunately, the only meme with that saying was one of Trump.
After getting some good intel today, I remembered how back in the day I started drinking to forget what I knew. Before it became a problem, I stopped drinking and switched to Dr Pepper. I drank so much at one point that was my nickname.
Many years ago; it’s relative, I wound up being involved in a pretty tense negotiation. The first team that went in was replaced after the other side refused to deal with them. In we went.
The first three days were spent being yelled at for eight hours. Finally, I lost my shit and screamed back. Until then, our lawyer was being firm but polite. I just couldn’t take it anymore.
The next week and a half were spent mostly wasting time as it was normal for it to take hours between language reviews. Since the days were long and we were locked in a room; they always came to us, I started bringing in two 750 ml six packs of Dr Pepper. I needed the caffeine to stay awake. Mostly at this point, I was just observing. This is the time I got the Dr Pepper nickname. It stuck for the remainder of my time at that current place of employment.
Once I saw a way to end the negotiation, I made my pitch, and they hated it. A few hours later they returned with my idea modified in a way that made it unacceptable to us. Again, I lost my shit. This time I pointed out that they needed to stop playing politics and I had no problem going to the media and telling not only our solution but their reply – we were not going to be held hostage.
Well, two days later the document was considered ready for the next step. My solution wasn’t in it.
I have no idea why that moment stuck in my mind.
As I was sorting through old pictures and putting them on my server, I came across an old diary. Unlike many others, this one was still able to be read by modern software. Other than being much more detailed about people and events, my diary entries are still pretty much the same.
Every entry is with the geopolitics of the day and where I thought the future was headed and mostly complaining about my girlfriend of the day. I attract crazy women and gold diggers; I need to stop that. One of the things I was also able to do was save all the pictures I had put in those entries. I’m sure some of them are doubles, but since I have lost several hard drives over the years, they may be the only copy.
I got my first ever name drop on youtube from someone I regularly watch. It had to do with something he said on twitter and my reply, how I suspected the same thing and that POTUS is a showman, so the only reason to not show up is if there is a crisis.
The other thing I kept hearing today was 120 aircraft in the sky – you are safe.
Most of the day the USAF was publicly flying; who knows how many in secret, 120 aircraft Combat Air Patrol (CAP) over the continental United States (CONUS). On an average day, there is less than ten military aircraft flying CAP over CONUS.
A friend also passed on information that several Canadain Forces Bases were more active than usual with their level of sorties and on the ground activity. What worries me is how no one is telling me what’s happening in the skies over Canada. I’m hoping it was due to the joint defence treaty with the US, or the scary part something was invading our airspace.
With POTUS being late, I dialled in on some contacts and found out that multiple; I’ve confirmed two, unknown aircraft had entered US airspace. One was headed to LA with the other at that time heading towards Death Valley. This worried me based on some other things I have been learning about what happened on the weekend and in Japan Monday.
If you read my two entries and an earlier one where I ranted about a leaked DefCon 1 I made mention of some things I had heard.
It has been confirmed that the alert that was broadcast was in fact real. There was a non-nuclear threat. I initially believed it was launched from a ship; however, it has since been confirmed that it was launched from a sub of unknown origin. The US Mil shot it down; Splash Fox Three, but was unable to neutralise the sub.
This is speculation since I thought I would have confirmed today but people are slow getting back to me; which also makes me suspect something big is happening tonight, that the same submarine launched a missile at Japan.
Using the average travel time of mid to low-end subs and the range of older tech sub-launched missiles makes this a possibility.
I am 95% sure it was not North Korea, and that’s all I’m saying for now.
Not a lot freaks me out anymore. My house is located between two nuclear power plants. If either one melts down, I’ll be dead. Panic would make it impossible to evacuate, and sheltering in place this close would be futile. Plus there is a mechanized infantry reserve unit in my city. In some twisted way, this makes me happy. In the event of an invasion, my city is a primary target. That means I won’t have to suffer through the war and devastation that would follow.
Time for my bedtime snack.
So what you’re telling us is that a sub of unknown origin (not NK according to you) fired a missile at both US and Japan in a matter of 3 days. Are they testing response? Trying to see how effective/defective defenses are? If the US shot down this rocket, why hide that fact? Wouldn’t it prove that that missile defense works? Couldn’t Trump us that to brag about how awesome the military is and distract from his current woes? If true, this is very scary indeed. Who would have a sub and the minerals to even try this?
@peter_24601 was just put out by a friend and former Lt. Col. US Army (Ret). It has a lot of information that people will find hard to believe and scary. It came out after my post or I would have included it.
@peter_24601 I was thinking that as well. He got a little off topic.
What freaked me out was how we came to the same conclusion with completely different sources.
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Are you from Mars?
@nash really name calling and insults. Very mature.
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