Back from the US southern border and found my two half-sisters.
Okay, they are not related, just happened at the same time.
Late last week, I was given the opportunity to go to the southern US border as part of a Canadian group. It happened only because someone was sick and a friend thought I could use a vacation. All I had to pay for was a cat sitter and personal expenses.
Describing what I saw is best summed up as disturbing, sad, and shocking. I’ve been in conflict zones where I felt safer. Anyone who claims there is no crisis on the border, go there and see for yourself.
The agents and the national guard who showed us around were amazing people. The illegal immigrants I spoke with were wonderful people.
Learning and seeing how the different cartels operate tactically was brilliant and sad. They have come close to perfecting the art of smuggling across the border while at the same time tying up the assets of the border protection units.
The saddest part was learning how children are being rented to help gain access to the US. Some children are rented to enter the US, then smuggled back into Mexico to be rented out again. It’s beyond fucking disgusting.
I can’t talk about this anymore; I’m still trying to come to terms with some of the things I saw. Who would do some of these fucked up things is just… they are pure evil.
After seeing this, it confirms how easily most Americans and people around the world can be emotionally manipulated. It makes me sad for the world and questions why I even stay alive.
While I was down there, I got a DNA match for someone who turns out is my half-sister. I also have a second half-sister and half-brother, and a bunch of nieces and nephews.
I’ve spoken with my two sisters, and it’s like talking to myself only different.
They both grew up instinctually knowing they had a brother, and for the first time in my life that little empty part of my soul feels full. When it was assumed we knew who my biological father was, it felt great, but a part of me questioned it, and I didn’t quite feel fully complete like I do now.
I know someone will take what I just said wrong. I don’t need anyone or anything to complete me. This goes deeper than self-esteem and personal issues. I’m not even sure it’s explainable.
It was also explained why my two biological aunts cut contact after calling me a scammer. Apparently, a third one was on vacation and got hacked, and so the other two assumed it was me.
That was a really sad reason to throw away a new family member while I forgive them. I may even accept their apology, however, I will never have anything to do with them again. Their actions obliterated permanently any trust between us.
Tigger was happy to see me. She wouldn’t stop meowing for about 15 minutes. She looks good. A little swollen and she’s vomited a few times over the last few days.
I know I should stay up, there is a lot to do here, but I’m going to take a nap.
Wow, the horrors and the sadness of the Border conditions, and people of all natures, good, bad, indifferent. **I am glad you found these relatives, and hopefully will get to meet sometime, and be together, in person. It’s terrible, and a shame, that the Aunts would just assume, that you hacked her!!! grrr….
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I am sure parts of the border there are issues? but I have been to a lot of the southern border and have never seen anything like that. what city did you do to?
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Wow, that’s heartbreaking.
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