All sorts of nothing exciting

All sorts of nothing exciting.

Today was sort of a non-exciting day.

My mom popped by. We were going to go for a walk, but it was raining so we just went to pick up some groceries and had lunch.

Other than that, nothing is happening.

About three months or more ago someone sent me an instant pot as a gift. I don’t know who it was.

For the second time, I am going to use it. I had a craving for ribs. The only take 25 minutes to cook, plus the time for it to come to pressure and the broiling time to caramelize the sugars in the sauce.

The ribs turned out fantastic. Some of the best I have ever had. Sweet, crispy, moist, fall off the bone, saucey ribs.

I just left a note to someone I haven’t spoken with in a while. I hope it helps. It was a delicate matter, and I don’t know how some of what I said will be taken. It was meant to be helpful and thoughtful. I’ll cross my fingers; I know this has been a struggle for them for a while.

Yea, not much on my mind today. I’m guessing all the squirrels are off nesting and having lil baby squirrels. Of the six or so, I know the bulk of them are female.

I told my mom about my plan to become an undersea coral farmer. I don’t know how she took it. She did say she knows how I love being the ocean. The only reason it came up was that she started fishing to see what my plans are after Tigger passes away. It felt weird telling her.

I need to stop eating two bags of skittles as a bedtime snack – many reasons why and the hour walk I had to pick them up doesn’t allow me to eat even a few. Bad me.

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April 24, 2019

Skittles are bad!  I think if you want to do a job… go for it!  Lol

i never figured you to be a Canadian? Thought you were a pro trumpster

have a great day


April 24, 2019

@kaliko I don’t think my mom believes me that an underwater coral farmer is a real job.  I didn’t know it was until about a month ago.  It seems like a fun job.  Basically, the person harvest, grow and plant coral to help maintain reefs.

I am Canadain; I do not like Trump; I disagree with about 80% of his policies, but as I continually say, I put my feelings aside in search of the truth.

I am not pro Trump; I’m pro-truth.

Bad things can happen to people you don’t like by people you do like, and if it’s a crime, they should be prosecuted.  I have no respect for people who pull crap especially play politics with intelligence and law enforcement agencies.  While at the same time lying to a dumbed down humanity who can’t think beyond their emotions and who can’t parse legal language, or understand laws and statues.

I don’t fit into any political category. And often lose friends because I ask questions.  And if you read through my OD; it may be private now, I explain several times why I left the left.

April 24, 2019

@axalotal you sound very very much like me! no wonder I like your posts. you challenge my mind

April 24, 2019

@kaliko It’s always nice to have friends in ones life that challenge and make one look at things differently.  Sadly, we live in a world where now a disagreement is the end of a friendship rather than accepting someone had different views.

I’m always thankful when I get a note from you because there is no name calling attached to it.  We can disagree and still enjoy each other’s entries and notes.

April 24, 2019

@axalotal very true!

April 24, 2019