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The Flood

January 4, 2010
We are not permitted to choose The framework of our destiny But what I choose to put inside Is truly up to me What we have in this life Sustains us certainly But it's what we do not have That determines who we will be I could be a star I could be the earth…
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Recent Entries

  • Excuse Me, Princess
    January 4, 2010
    I don't miss the loneliness But sometimes I'd be content just being alone If I'm not on my own It breaks me up I must confess I've been depressed But it's something I don't show, when I'm feeling low And I don't know which way to go It's the same thing everyday Another early morning…
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  • Ohhh snap!
    August 21, 2008
    September is starting off with a bang.  For the early birds among us we will be playing again on Fox 7 news in the morning on September 4th at 7:30AM.  Just turn on your TV to hear a song and all about our upcoming events.  On Saturday, the 6th, we have a gig at Headhunters…
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  • yay dreams!
    August 1, 2008
    Ok the first one I remember having was one where me and Myself, Robin, Joey and Joe were all in it.  We had to get to Canada for our debut performance at a talent show up there and the fastest way for us to get up there would be to fly ourselves.  We decided to…
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  • To boldly go, where no man has gone before!
    June 20, 2008
    Alright, we've got a promise from Jonathan that he'll have our CD mixed and mastered by the end of June! So therefore we've got (another) CD release scheduled for July 5th. We have cool friends who book us on fancy dates. Like Saturday night on July 4th weekend. We'll be rockin out at the Red&hel...
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  • A chat with Blair
    May 20, 2008
     BlairGirlCat [10:11 P.M.]:  Hah! Know aim decides to work for me The Zopalote [10:11 P.M.]:  is that because you have a whip and you're crackin it? BlairGirlCat [10:11 P.M.]: Totally :B BlairGirlCat [10:12 P.M.]:  How ya doing? The Zopalote [10:12 P.M.]:  I'm weird ...
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  • Hold me closer, Tony Danza
    May 7, 2008
    Why did Sting have to go and grow a skanky light jazz inducing man-gina of FAIL?  He used to be so cool.  Even the John Dowland stuff I kind of liked, but he's gone the path of the farty musical diarrhea bass lines and annoying squiggley saxes.  it's rather depressing.  What h...
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  • strange luck!
    April 27, 2008
    Lots of weird things have been happening lately.  These bored cops over on Mellow Meadow drive have stopped us TWICE for having a faulty light over our lisence plate.  Of course the second time happened to be late at night when we were driving the 2 blocks to Taco Bell.  I really d...
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  • Ya dead, mon?
    April 9, 2008
    no I ain't dead.  I know I ought to update more but I never have time, considering all I want to do when I get home is play games.  dude!  Gaia has pinball now.  I'm so addicted.  To the point that I get irritated when Cait distracts me, and I had a dream about this…
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  • ante-versary!
    February 24, 2008
    So I suppose I'll start with the big news here:  Cait and I are getting married!  weeeeeeeeee!  Not this year but next year.  On April 1st.  No foolin.  That's the best day ever to get married.  This is for several reasons, the first being that we have no money ...
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