24 male INFP
I love poetry and am just starting to see the value in a diary. I really enjoy diving into my own thoughts to try and make sense of everything. I have had to deal with an abnormal amount of abuse and trauma. Im so close to beating it.
Just trying to make sense of it all.

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Memories Will Trip You Up

July 29, 2023
Im finding it increasingly easier but still almost impossible for certain things to not remind me of past emotions. Emts send my heart into a flurry thinking about you. Ik it wouldnt work because of your religious background but god it couldve been magical. You have such a good character that can...
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  • OOOOOOOO The Most Exciting Part. My first one.
    July 28, 2023
    OH geez how do I even start this. Today was amazing. Crazy to think this is happening. Fully expected to have checked out at this point. Glad that's not the case. I'm so happy all the things I'm realizing about myself. I'm 24. I'm in the best shape I've ever been in physically and even…
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